Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "City"

On the Limitless Mind of Italo Calvino

A friend sent me a book, Italo Calvino’s Six Memos for the Next Millennium, which I am currently reading. The book comprises a series of lecture notes. But before having the chance to give the lectures or even finish the manuscript, the author died. The lecture notes are organized according to the following table of contents: Lightness, Quickness, Exactitude, Visibility, and Multiplicity.The last piece, "Consistency," was left unwritten; which is why I have been scratching my head all day won...

Troy before The Iliad

From wavelength.ai The Hittite texts provide some insights into the stories surrounding Troy, although they are not as detailed as the later accounts found in the Iliad and other Greek sources. These texts mention a city called Wilusa, which is believed to be the Hittite name for Troy. The stories depicted in these texts involve conflicts and alliances between various kingdoms in the region. One of the most significant Hittite texts is the Tawagalawa Letter, which is a correspondence betwee...

Tomu Uchida | 警察官 (Keisatsukan) (Police Officer, aka Policeman)

Tomu Uchida | 警察官 (Keisatsukan) (Police Officer, aka Policeman)SourceURL: http://internationalcinemareview.blogspot.com/2023/02/tomu-uchida-keisatsukan-police-officer.html looking homeward by Douglas Messerli Eizo Yamauchi (screenplay, based on a story by Toshihiko Takeda), Tomu Uchida (director) 警察官 (Keisatsukan) (Police Officer, aka Policeman) / 1933 Only this film of the several of the several Tomu Uchida made in pre-war Japan has survived intact. But Keisatsukan...

Armageddon Time - film review

There are any number of memorable images from James Gray’s "Ad Astra," a singularly introspective space adventure in which Brad Pitt journeys to the outer limits of our solar system just to hear Daddy Lee Jones tell him that he doesn’t care, but none have stayed with me quite like the shot of Pitt’s astronaut landing on the Moon — the very first stop on his interstellar voyage into the heart of darkness. Once the ultimate symbol of humanity’s possibility and the nearest proof of our species’ ...

Big Town, Insistent Revolutions: On the Rich, Kaleidoscopic Lives of New Yorkers in Literature

"He entered the park at the North Gate and swallowed mouthfuls of the heavy shade that curtained its arch. He walked into the shadow of a lamp-post that lay on the path like a spear. It pierced him like a spear." The above is from the beginning of the second chapter of Nathanael West’s Miss Lonelyhearts, a brief and brilliant novel set in late-Prohibition New York; the arch and lamp-post mentioned belong to Washington Square Park. I remember, in my twenties, reading this sentence for the f...

The 20th-century American novel is stuffed with stuff: baseballs, red wheelbarrows, and other bric-a-brac. What’s the point of it all?

In the prefurnished apartment where I have spent most of the last year, I am surrounded by things that seem to vibrate strangely with something like life. On my desk, there are three interchangeable coffee mugs and another, for unknown reasons, that is special to me. There is a lamp that came with the apartment, whose bulb needs to be fussed over every time I turn it on.There are my beloved books, some of them dragged with me from apartment to apartment since college, gathering grime and dust...

Purple Camouflage semiotics from Philosopher AI

What is the history of purple camouflage?Purple camouflage first appeared in the early 19th Century with a minor surge at the end of World War II. The idea behind purple was that it would be more effective against nature, though this did not prove to be correct, as it had much less effect than green. It also turned out that many of the original purples were too bright for use in war zones and so they faded easily on dead bodies or other objects after being exposed to sunlight.The next major d...

City of Teotihuacán and its legend of an electric power plant

Abundant liquid mercury, mica, and pyrite found in tunnels beneath...by Corbin BlackWas the ancient city of Teotihuacán abandoned when an electromagnetic...Post PaginationNext PostNextHome Ancient Aliens Ancient Alien TV Series Was the ancient city of Teotihuacán abandoned when an electromagnetic power plant exploded?1 day ago5 hours agoAncient Alien TV Series, Ancient Aliens, History, UnexplainedWas the ancient city of Teotihuacán abandoned when an electromagnetic power plant exploded?by Cor...

What Story Down There Awaits Its End

The story starts with the narrator walking along the "Prospect" of the city, then the process begins, the process of erasing everything that is not necessary. He begins by erasing the ministry building and reduces it to an opaque slab of glass, but that was not enough for him, so he erases it completely, leaving nothing behind! He then realizes that the world is too overloaded and complicated, so he goes on erasing everything. As he goes along erasing, reducing the whole prospect into a slab ...

Persistence of Memory - The

The Persistence of MemoryOrganism, Myth, TextPhilip KuberskiUNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESSBerkeley · Los Angeles · Oxford© 1992 The Regents of the University of Californiafor ClaudettePreferred Citation: Kuberski, Philip. The Persistence of Memory: Organism, Myth, Text. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1992. http://ark.cdlib.org/ark:/13030/ft3v19n97j/for ClaudetteIntroduction― 1 ―I began writing this book without knowing it. After a summer in Europe I came back to California and ...