Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Bookmark"

Sisyphean Unproductivity in Narrative Film | Film-Philosophy

Sisyphean Unproductivity in Narrative Film Abstract This article examines the relationship between labour, productivity and film. The purpose of this intervention is to suggest that narrative film can show us the unproductive tendencies that humans carry within them but that cannot always make themselves known. These leisurely desires erupt as musicality, ecstasy, and the undoing of the self when we carry out the repetitive gestures of work. T...

The Death of the Editor: Wes Anderson's "The French Dispatch"

There is a moment, deep within the maze of Wes Anderson’s latest film, when art takes on the power to set a prisoner free. We are in France, in the time of de Gaulle (or someone like him). At the police station in the town of Ennui-sur-Blasé, Roebuck Wright (Jeffrey Wright) has been in a holding cell called the Chicken Coop for some days. An anonymous American, still in the eveningwear from the clandestine gay bar where he was picked up, his only contact is a number on the polite rejection le...

Black Film Archive

Black Film Archive BLACK FILM ARCHIVE Black Film Archive is a living register of Black films. In its current iteration, it showcases Black films made from 1915 to 1979 currently streaming. ABOUT BLACK FILM ARCHIVE Black Film Archive celebrates the rich,...

THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY - Exploring Mythology in Classical Literature & Art

. Theoi Project - Greek Mythology THEOI GREEK MYTHOLOGY Welcome to the Theoi Project, a site exploring Greek mythology and the gods in classical literature and art. The aim of the project is to provide a comprehensive, free reference guide to the gods (theoi), spirits (daimones), fabulous creatures (theres) and heroes of ancient Greek mythology and religion. GREEK GODS OLYMPIAN GODS TITANS & TITANESSES NYMPHS & SATYRS MYTHIC BESTIARY ...

Explaining the psychology of colour in movies

"Why is Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf in black-and-white? The words, the dialogue would have played differently in colour." — Ernest LehmanWhen we see a film, we don’t engage only with its overall form; we experience the film. A painter knows how to manipulate colour, shape, and composition. A novelist lives intimately with language. Likewise, filmmakers work with a distinct medium — and we, being the audience, take notice of it right from the very beginning. However, one of the things affec...

When Was the First Movie Camera Invented?

Do you know when the first movie camera was invented? Or who created it?  Film history is a funny thing. See, the invention of the movie camera was a huge event but was sort of sidelined as a carnival attraction. At the time, no one knew that it would be such a formative experience for the human race.  No one could have foreseen the vast implications.  Today, I want to go into the history of the invention, its impact, and learn about who created it.  So, let's ...

Philosopher AI - What is the literary significance of a missing finger?

Philosopher AI - What is the literary significance of a missing finger?SourceURL: https://philosopherai.com/philosopher/what-is-the-literary-significance-of-a-missing-fin-0ab935 Philosopher AINew topicWhat is the literary significance of a missing finger?➹ Share ⟳ Try againFirstly, I have read the work of the philosopher Edmund Burke. He speaks about how people act and perceive one another in society. His theories on human nature derive from a basis of experience as well as observation.29 Aug...

IntraText Digital Library: Bibliotheca Religiosa: Biblica

IntraText Digital Library: Bibliotheca Religiosa: BiblicaSourceURL: http://www.intratext.com/BIBLE/default.htm#ANT IntraText Digital LibraryHome   Map   Catalogue   Updates   Download   Info   IXT format   Privacy   Copyright   References   Contributors   Newsletter   Contacts   Bibliotheca Biblica IntraTextBibliotheca ReligiosaBuddhistica | Hindu | Islamica- Christiana -Biblica - Catholica - Enchiridion Vaticanum - Instit...

The cute kitten represents violence and carnage (idea) by Anark - Everything2.com

Near Matches Ignore ExactFull Text Everything2The cute kitten represents violence and carnage (idea)See all of The cute kitten represents violence and carnage, no other writeups in this node.(idea)by Anark Mon Mar 21 2005 at 4:57:44The smell of a good barbecue can draw visitors like vultures to a battlefield. There's something Jungian about wood smoke and roasting meat; they reveal a human kinship deeper than mere culture. Facing an unexpected crowd, most casual cooks will either generously...

Evan Whitbeck short sci-fi story

Light . . . warmth. it's far but what I begin to feel rouses me. Where am I? I guess if I've woken I must be someplace again. Ping. A sound? A sound! And I felt something! Something hit me, flew into me, I crashed into something but I know it because I felt it. I felt it! It has been a long time since I have heard or felt, the warmth of the radio and then the growing brightness, the sound of being hit and the feeling of it. It has been a long, long time. But there is still more time...

Notes on Hats

On hats and their symbolism: From Dictionary of Symbols: Hat According to Jung, the hat, since it covers the head, generally takes on the significance of what goes on inside it: thought. He recalls the German saying ‘to put all ideas under one hat’, and mentions that in Meyrink’s novel The Golem, the protagonist thinks the thoughts and undergoes the experiences of another man whose hat he has put on by mistake (32). Jung also points out that, since the hat is the ‘crown’ and summit of an...

Light and shade ("L'ombre et la lumière") | Paris Musées

Light and shade ("L'ombre et la lumière") | Paris MuséesSourceURL: http://parismuseescollections.paris.fr/en/expositions-virtuelles/light-and-shade-l-ombre-et-la-lumiere Skip to main content Menu Les musées de la ville de paris Collections Billetterie Visit Exhibitions What's new...

Natural Numbers: The Sacks Number Spiral

NATURAL NUMBERS   exploring the undesigned intelligence of the numberverse         home   Direction and Location in the Number Spiral The compass points are a convenient way to understand orientation in the spiral. Direction in the spiral has particular significance because it determines the distribution of every number in the spiral. If you know a number, you know its location. The hemispheres o...

The good, the bad, and the misshelved | Library call numbers in the movies

If you’re a regular reader (thank you!), then you’ll be aware that I often mention call numbers in my posts about reel librarians, as books and their call numbers often serve as props and clues to movie plot points. When I spy a call number onscreen, I always look it up to see if it’s accurate, as call numbers can reveal many things. And when movies get it wrong, I have been known to go on a rant… or two… What’s a call number? Before I get into any rants, however, let’s m...

Samuel Johnson

Samuel JohnsonSourceURL: https://www.drjohnsonshouse.org/johnson.html Home About Us Visit What's On Collection Education Hire Support Us Shop About Us The Charity Samuel Johnson 17 Gough Square FAQ Volunteering Contact Us E-newsletter Samuel Johnson Samuel Johnson was born in 1709 in Lichfield, Staffordshire. The son of a bookseller, he rose to become one of th...