Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Bible"

Comparing the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John | Owlcation

MORESign InJoin 26 Owlcation»Humanities»Theology Comparing the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke, and JohnUpdated on October 2, 2018 Cholee Clay moreCholee took several theology classes during college and enjoys partaking in bible studies and diving deep into scripture.Contact Author Source The word gospel means good news, and is a term used to define the written accounts of Jesus of Nazareth in the New Testament. The four widely known gospels are the canonical gospel...

Herod the Great - Livius

Livius.org Articles on ancient history   Herod the Great Herod (73-5/4 BCE) was the pro-Roman king of the small Jewish state in the last decades before the common era.Early years Judaea and Galilee during the reign of Hyrcanus II Herod was born 73 BCE as the son of a man from Idumea named Antipater and a woman named Cyprus, the daughter of an Arab sheik. Antipater was an adherent of Hyrcanus, one of two princes who struggling to become king of Judaea. In this conflict, the ...

felix culpa defined

fe·lix cul·pa /ˈfāliks ˈko͝olpə,ˈfēliks/noun noun: felix culpa the sin of Adam viewed as fortunate, because it brought about the blessedness of the Redemption. an apparent error or disaster with happy consequences. "he presents the revolt as a felix culpa"Origin Latin, literally ‘happy fault’.


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The Symbolism of Salt in Paintings - Google Scholar

CiteAdvanced searchFind articleswith all of the wordswith the exact phrasewith at least one of the wordswithout the wordswhere my words occuranywhere in the articlein the title of the articleReturn articles authored bye.g., "PJ Hayes" or McCarthyReturn articles published ine.g., J Biol Chem or NatureReturn articles dated between — e.g., 1996The symbolism of salt in paintingsCarmela Bisaccia, Rosa Maria De Santo, Luca Salvatore De Santo, Daniela De Santo, Luigi Bellini, Natale Gaspar...

Ocellus, Lucanus - Biblical Cyclopedia

McClintock and Strong Biblical Cyclopedia Ocellus, Lucanus Ocellus, Lucanus (῎Οκελλος [also ῎Οκελος, ᾿Ωκελλος, Οἴκελλος, Ουκελλος, ῎Ηκελος, ῎Εκκελος, etc.] Λευκανός), a Greek philosopher, was born in Lucania, whence his surname, and, as appears from his works, belonged to the Pythagorean school of philosophers. He flourished probably some five hundred years previous to the Christian aera. Philo, who lived in the 1st century, is the first writer who mentions him; for the...

New Testament - Esoteric Meanings

Esoteric Meanings Many Voices One Truth Menu Home Spiritual Hierarchy Transmissions Meditation Diary Rider Waite Tarot Rider Waite Minor Arcana Tarot Articles Thoth Tarot Thoth Tarot Foundations Thoth Tarot Major Arcana Tutorials Thoth Tarot Minor Arcana Thoth Tarot Court Cards Tarot Readings Spiritual ...

Self reflexivity in Bible - Ancient Hebrew Forum

Follow Ancient Hebrew Forum with Tapatalk for iPhoneOpen in appInstallx Ancient Hebrew Forum Home Welcome Guest. Please Login or Register. Navigation « The Pulpit and the Soap Box Self reflexivity in Bible ...

How translation obscured the music and wordplay of the Bible – Robert Alter | Aeon Ideas

How translation obscured the music and wordplay of the Bible Robert Alter is professor of Hebrew and comparative literature at the University of California at Berkeley. He is the author of more than 20 books, most recently The Hebrew Bible: A Translation with Commentary (2018). 1,200 words Edited by Sam Haselby Republish for free More poetry, please. Courtesy Wikimedia An essential fact about the Hebrew Bible is that most of its narrative prose as well as ...


Is "Hebrews for Christians" the Zionist reply to "Jews for Jesus"? I am guessing this doesn't just mean the Book of Hebrews (in the Old Testament) but rather . . . Hebrew people now living and answering. -zas Parashat Shelach Before sending out the leaders of the tribes to spy out the land, Moses renamed his trusted servant Hoshea (הוֹשֵׁעַ) to Yehoshua (יְהוֹשֻׁעַ), appending the letter Yod (י) to make his name begin with a divine prefixive (יָהּ־). The Talmud (Sotah 34b) states tha...

Joseph vs Jesus

Old Testament Charts (Bible History Online) Joseph, a Type of Christ Genesis 37:8 - And his brethren said to him, Shalt thou indeed reign over us? or shalt thou indeed have dominion over us? And they hated him yet the more for his dreams, and for his words. It is nearly impossible to examine the life of Joseph in the Old Testament and not see the similarities of the events in the life of Christ. There are many types and shadows in the Old Testament that prefigure Jesus Christ, and many have...

Genesis 1 Chapter 1

Genesis 1New International Version (NIV) The Beginning1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light. 4 God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning...

Moses and Homer Were Color Blind?

Moses and Homer Were Color Blind A Brief History of Color in Literatureby Justin Rice, published on 06/19/2017 Now Israel loved Joseph more than all his children, because he was the son of his old age: and he made him a coat of many colours.—from the King James Bible, 1611 It was red and yellow and green and brown And scarlet and black and ochre and peach And ruby and olive and violet and fawn And lilac and gold and chocolate and mauve And cream and crimson and silver and rose And azure an...