Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "Alchemy"

Ancient recipes led scientists to a long-lost natural blue | Science News

Ancient recipes led scientists to a long-lost natural blue Medieval texts and modern techniques helped unveil the blue watercolor’s identity Medieval recipes instructed scientists to prepare the blue watercolor from the fruits of Chrozophora tinctoria. That provided enough dye to reveal its structure using a suite of chemical analysis techniques. Paula Nabais/NOVA Univ. By Carolyn Wilke ...

Alchemy in Death of Procris painting

In Death of Procris - The Considering the alchemist background of Cosimo Rosselli (the painter's teacher and father-in-law), it has been suggested that the painting "can be explained in terms of the pictorial language of alchemy".[3] According to this conceit, the dog (whose form is visually echoed by three other dogs in the background) represents none other than Hermes Trismegistos and a tree shown growing over Procris's breast symbolises the arbor philosophica.[3] The red-and-gold veil...

Sarsaparilla: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning

Sarsaparilla: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and WarningSourceURL: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-379/sarsaparilla SARSAPARILLA OTHER NAME(S): Ecuadorian Sarsaparilla, Honduras Sarsaparilla, Jamaican Sarsaparilla, Liseron Épineux, Liseron Piquant, Mexican Sarsaparilla... , Salsaparilha, Salsepareille, Salsepareille d’Europe, Salsepareille du Honduras, Salsepareille du Mexique, Sarsa, Sarsaparillae Radix, Sarsaparillewurzel, Smilax, Smilax Aristolochaefolia, Smilax...

the Great Work in 4 Symbols [Archive] - Alchemy Forums

the Great Work in 4 Symbols [Archive] View Full Version : the Great Work in 4 Symbols 10-07-2010, 01:48 PMI've had interest in Symbolism for quite a while, so you all can understand that I was easily fascinated with Alchemy. But when my research got further I didn't see some bland outdated science but something really spiritual and meaningful to me due to my past experience.I've bin trying to translate the good old Nigredo Albedo Citrinitas Rubedo into simple alchemy symbols. The first on...

alchemy and psychology

i n d e x Digging For Gold"digging for gold" is an installation which resulted from a speculative artistic research on the scientific concept of phytomining. This research proposes a paralel between the two processes â€" phytomining for gold and the alchemical process. Discussing this paralel, some similarities and differences are proposed. Firstly, both processes are described by similar stages. Phytomining, which is known as a green alternative to conventional mining, is aimed ...