Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "2K1"

Penrose Tiling and Phi - The Golden Ratio - 1.618

Φ About Contributors Resources Contact Store Site Map The Golden Ratio: Phi, 1.618Golden Ratio, Phi, 1.618, and Fibonacci in Math, Nature, Art, Design, Beauty and the Face. One source with over 100 articles and latest findings. Phi Design/Art Beauty/Face Life Math Geometry Markets/Gaming Cosmos Theology Blog You are here: Home / Geometry / Penrose Tiling and PhiPenrose Tiling and Phi May 13, 2012 by Gary Meisner 5 Comments Tiling in 5-fold symmetry was thought impossible! Areas can...

Remarks on Enlightenment

Remarks on Enlightenment For Douglas HardingJosé le Roy We talk a lot these days about awakening and enlightenment. In the Western world, more and more men and women are curious about their true nature. So it is more important than ever to be clear about what we mean by enlightenment.Enlightenment or awakening is the movement from total dentification with an individual to a life centred in Emptiness. This movement is revealed through the discovery of a totally new way of seeing oneself and th...

Ape as flea

Ape as fleaSourceURL: https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&rlz=1CAASUJ_enUS750US750&biw=1536&bih=725&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=eQk2WvixOpPMjwOlradA&q=flea&oq=flea&gs_l=psy-ab.3..0i67k1j0l7j0i67k1j0.99991.100957.0.101094. Z ShihabMapApe as fleaSourceURL: https://www.google.com/search?newwindow=1&rlz=1CAASUJ_enUS750US750&biw=1536&bih=725&tbm=isc...