Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "1977"

Exploring David Lynch obsession with crashing cars in his movies

Since his feature film debut Eraserhead was released in 1977, David Lynch has cemented himself as one of cinema’s most innovative minds. Master of the surreal, his movies often confuse viewers with their use of unconventional cinematic devices, such as nonlinearity and reversed dialogue. However, all of Lynch’s films have one primary concern – the destruction of the American Dream – and recognising this theme makes his work easier to detangle.  Lynch’s distinctive visual aesthetic direc...

When Hollywood stars tried to free Roman Polanski with a 2009 petition

Back in 2009, Roman Polanski was arrested in Switzerland after a request from the United States authorities to do so. However, a year later, the Swiss government and police rejected the US’ request and released Polanski from detention in Zurich. The reason was partly due to a petition signed by several high-profile members of the Hollywood film industry.The petition read: "We demand the immediate release of Roman Polanski. Film-makers in France, in Europe, in the United States and around the ...