Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "1965"

Doctor Who - The Mythmakers 1965

In late 1965 Doctor Who featured a four part story about the end of the Trojan War. All four episodes are lost, though the audio track survives intact, along with a selection of photos and video snippets. In spite of that The myth makers, by Donald Cotton, is widely regarded as a highlight of Doctor Who’s early years. My aim here is to highlight how it plays on prior models. One target is Homer, of course, but it also plays on the 1956 Hollywood epic Helen of Troy starring Rossana Podestà,...

Complicated conversations - Tactics for dealing with conspiracy theorists

The season is upon us, which means you’ll likely be gathering with family members and friends to share a holiday meal, but that can also mean sharing some dubious claim someone has seen on the internet.  So we’d like to offer you a couple of tactics to use over the holidays to counter those claims you might face from your wacky relatives or friends — and to keep the peace. Moon landing Let’s start with a conspiracy theory that is very common. Ever since NASA sent men to the ...

Leyland Cypress (thing) by ianah0 - Everything2.com

Leyland Cypress (thing) See all of Leyland Cypress, no other writeups in this node. by ianah0 (4.2 y) CC Rep: 34 ( +35 / -1 ) (Rep Graph) (+) Fri May 03 2002 at 19:52:27 (thing) 1 C! by ianah0 (4.2 y) In 1888, the female flowers or cones of a Nootka Cypress were fertilized by pollen from a Monterey Cypress. The two parent species would never have met in the wild as their natural ranges are 1000 miles apart(the female from Alaska and the male from California). But the origina...

Author: Hal C.

Author: Hal C. Becker | Interaction Design Foundation Your browser is outdated. Please switch to a modern web browser to improve performance and avoid security risks. Reviews / Why join our community? For companies Want a new job in UX? Frequently asked questions Contact ...