Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "15"

Book club: Fifteen Wild Decembers by Karen Powell

WUTHERING HEIGHTS, by Emily Brontë, is said to have been the 20th century’s favourite Victorian novel. Yet, in 1847, its sophisticated "Chinese box" narrative structure, its radical investigation of the primitive and the pagan, and its use of Yorkshire dialect baffled the reviewers, most of whom were metrocentric men.Writing in our post-feminist culture, Karen Powell has her own version of Emily narrated in the first person, as in Charlotte’s Jane Eyre and Anne’s Agnes Grey. This gives a shar...

Why Structures Like The Hero’s Journey Don’t Work

Why Structures Like The Hero’s Journey Don’t WorkSourceURL: https://mythcreants.com/blog/why-structures-like-the-heros-journey-dont-work/ Storytellers love structures like The Hero’s Journey, the 15 beats of Save the Cat, or just the traditional three acts that both The Hero’s Journey and Save the Cat are built around. But time and again I’ve seen writers follow them and get a complete mess as a result. The sad truth is that while these structures won’t ruin a good sto...

Orientation of Roman towns in Spain and Portugal - Hispania

https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/58775242/MAA_2014_3_GonzalezGarcia_RodriguezAnton_Belmonte.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1554421204&Signature=90zvoIOHckemkkM1HgG9yoiDpbs%3D&response-content-disposition=attachment%3B%20filename%3DTHE_ORIENTATION_OF_ROMAN_TOWNS_IN_HISPAN.pdf From Scribd at https://www.academia.edu/38692907/THE_ORIENTATION_OF_ROMAN_TOWNS_IN_HISPANIA_PRELIMINARY_RESULTS?email_work_card=view-paper SEE ALSO: ORIENTATION OF ROMAN TOWNS IN HISPAN...