Ziad Shihab

Showing all posts tagged "11"

Celebrating an 11th Anniversary

Four score and seven years ago (less seventy-six years) I started this blog. That makes this Once Upon a Screen’s eleventh anniversary. Who’d ‘a thunk it? While an anniversary is cause for celebration, I admit to feeling a bit guilty this year given I have barely blogged. It has been a tough one, but I am happy Once Upon a Screen is still here for me to movie vent. As is tradition on this blog, I celebrate anniversaries with tributes to the number. Let’s look at the ...

Does Jesus fail to meet expectations in Matthew 11

The lectionary gospel reading for Advent 3 in Year A is Matt 11.2–11, and as usual is rather truncated, so you might want to extend the reading by a verse or two before and after to be fair to its setting. The chapter begins with the second of Matthew’s five summary statements that conclude the five focussed sections of Jesus’ teaching: When Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples, he went on from there to teach and preach in their cities (Matt 11.1) The summary ph...

A Modern Major-General of Light Entertainment - On This Day

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