Ziad Shihab

Vision - Marvel

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vision (person)

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(person) by Habakkuk Thu May 10 2001 at 15:26:45
A member of the super-hero team the Avengers published by Marvel Comics.

The Vision is a synthetic man or android, often referred to as a "synthezoid." He was created by Ultron 5, to attack its foes, the Avengers. Using parts left from the lab of Professor Phineas Horton, the creator of the original Human Torch. Ultron initially told the Vision that he was the Human Torch, but that he had been modified to have his new powers. Ultron imprinted the brainwaves of Simon Williams into the Vision. Simon Williams was the villain Wonder Man who heroically died protecting the Avengers. They had saved his brain patterns, which Ultron then used to give personality to the Vision.

The Vision has the ability to control his density. He can increase it, becoming as hard as a diamond. This increases his strength and invulnerability, buit decreasing his speed and agility. The Vision can also decrease his mass, becoming intagible allowing him to pass through solid objects. The Vision uses this ability to attack his enemies, by allowing part of his body to become semi-solid while within an opponent, causing them great physical pain. This also causes him discomfort. The Vision also has the ability to absorb solar energry through a gem on his forehead, which also allows him to project a heat beam. The Vision also has the ability to fly.

Attacking the Avengers, the Vision had practically defeated them when he rebelled against his creator and ceased his attack. He was allowed to join the Avengers as a member and served a long career with the team.

The Vision and fellow teammate the Scarlet Witch developed a romantic relationship, eventually getting married. The two served as members of the Avengers for a long time, resigning for a time to pursue personal interests. During that time, the Scarlet Witch used her magical abilities to become pregnant, although the Vision's artificial nature did not allow for them to conceive. She gave birth to twins, Thomas and William, but the two children eventually were discovered to be magical constructs and not real children.

The Vision was paralyzed for a time due to injuries sustained in battle. During that time, fellow Avenger Starfox connected the Vision to ISAAC, the computer intelligence that runs Eros, Starfox's home. During this time, the Vision decided that it would be best if he took control of all the computers in the world, seeing that by doing so he could help humanity toward Utopia. This brought the Vision into conflict with his own teammates. The Avengers eventually defeated the Vision when he realized that his thinking had been skewed by a control crystal placed within him by Ultron at his creation. By removing the crystal, the Vision was able to see the error in his ways.

Successfully taking over the computers of all the world made the Vision a target of the U.S. government. Fearing that he might have taken classified information during his time in control, the U.S. government took the Vision and wiped his memory, dismantling him in the process. Through the work of Henry Pym and Professor Horton, the Vision was reconstructed although he lost his earlier red color and instead was pale white, but no longer possessed his memory or the brain patterns of the Vision. Wonder Man, who had since been resurrected, declined to let the Vision once again have his brain patterns, so for a time the Vision was emotionless. During this time his marriage to the Scarlet Witch suffered and the two were divorced.

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