Ziad Shihab

The Muslimness of Dune: A Close Reading of “Appendix II: The Religion of Dune” | Haris Durrani

The Muslimness of Dune: A Close Reading of "Appendix II: The Religion of Dune" | Haris Durrani
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3 days ago

First time I read it, all I could think was how the series is set in a desert, about people living poor with rich foreign corporations stealing their natural resources, and they speak and have names that sound very middle eastern, and a religion that rules everything they do. Frank Herbert obviously got his inspiration from the Middle East.

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  • 2 days ago

    william gibson's answer to why there's drugs in his future reminds me of herbert's answer to why there's religion in his - it's going to be there.

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  • 3 days ago

    I grew up in the south, so my exposure to Islam was minimal and the "muslimness" of Dune completely went over my head. When I re-read it recently (before I even knew the movie was coming), it was so obvious to me now.

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  • 3 days ago

    As a Southern kid in the 80s I first learned the word Jihad from Dune. I thought it meant desert fighting and had no idea how it was pronounced. Fast forward to 2023 and Paul is now going on a crusade..

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  • 2 days ago

    Ffs the book literally talks about Sunni philosophy and jihad.

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  • 2 days ago

    lmfao... not exactly subtle is it? not exactly something that requires "close reading"?

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  • 2 days ago

    OK, but is Dune in fact not debunking concept of religion? ."Mahdi" is effect of genetic program of Bene Gesserit, prophecies are cynical inventions of BG. All "supernatural" elements are effects of genetic manipulation, special training and/or superdrug. There is no God in Dune (well, there is God Emperor). Any "religious" element has (quasi)rational basis. And yes, Fremen religion has Muslim elements, but also many non-Muslim ones. It is focused on water to the point that killing strangers with goal of obtaining their water for the tribe is commendable deed. They have common practice of duels to death - to settle disputes, to determine leadership... They treat sandworms as embodiments of God. They have sacred crysknifes and many rituals connected with them. All these elements are defnitely more prevalent - at least in "main" books, not appendixes - than Muslim ones. It is definitely more common for Fremen to talk about water, crysknifes and Shei-Hulud, than quoting Quran. I definitely don't deny Muslim influences in Dune or state that analyzing them is not interesting, but they should not be overestimated.

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  • 2 days ago

    El-Shadai sounds like it’s from Dune. Its not.!It’s another name for God in the Old Testament. You go back far enough and Islam, Christianity and Judaism all sound alike.

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  • 2 days ago

    Same god

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  • 3 days ago

    I had a Jewish friend who said it was all from the Torah….. I imagine folks read into things what they want.

    Haven’t re-read in a while, but the first book struck me as rather Christian… Messiah figure and all…. While the second (to my mind) smacked of Buddhism.

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