Ziad Shihab


Conversation with wavelength.ai on Tardigrades:

Wavelength.ai on the discovery of the tardigrade:

Johann August Ephraim Goeze's discovery of tardigrades in 1773 generated interest and curiosity within the scientific community. While there isn't a specific quote available from Goeze on the matter, his findings were published in a scientific journal called "Der Naturforscher" (The Naturalist) in 1774. This publication helped introduce tardigrades to the scientific community and sparked further research on these resilient microorganisms.

What was learned about tardigrades by the time of 1888?
By 1888, significant progress had been made in understanding tardigrades. Researchers had discovered that tardigrades are capable of surviving extreme conditions, such as desiccation, high temperatures, and even the vacuum of space. They had also identified the unique ability of tardigrades to enter a state called cryptobiosis, where they can suspend their metabolic activity and survive in harsh environments. Additionally, scientists had observed the diverse range of habitats where tardigrades can be found, including freshwater, marine, and terrestrial environments.

Are there any known limits to the time duration of a tardigrade’s cryptobiosis stasis?

Wavelength.ai :
There are no known limits to the time duration of a tardigrade's cryptobiosis stasis. Tardigrades have been successfully revived after being in a state of cryptobiosis for several decades or even longer. In laboratory experiments, tardigrades have been revived after being in cryptobiosis for up to 30 years. This remarkable ability to survive in a dormant state for extended periods is one of the reasons tardigrades are often referred to as "indestructible" or "extremophiles."

Have attempts been made to mimic the mechanisms of cryptobiosis observed in the tardigrade, in application to other species, genetic research, etc?

Yes, attempts have been made to understand and mimic the mechanisms of cryptobiosis observed in tardigrades for various applications. Researchers have been studying the genes and proteins involved in tardigrades' ability to survive extreme conditions and enter cryptobiosis. By understanding these mechanisms, scientists hope to apply similar strategies to other organisms or develop technologies that can protect biological materials, such as cells or tissues, from extreme environments or preservation methods.

Additionally, researchers have explored the potential applications of tardigrade-inspired technologies in fields like biotechnology, space exploration, and medicine. For example, there is ongoing research to develop methods for preserving organs for transplantation using tardigrade-inspired techniques. However, it's important to note that while progress has been made, fully replicating the remarkable abilities of tardigrades in other organisms or technologies is still a subject of ongoing investigation and development.

Let’s speculate about the implications of cryptobiosis for evolution. The evolutionary drawbacks of extended stasis are obvious: no reproduction happens during dormant periods, which is time-inefficient and in some evolutionary sense, ‘wasteful’. At the same time, though, the wastefulness of time does not, in the case of the cryptobiosis of the tardigrade, waste other resources. In a sense, then, the long-term evolutionary fitness of the tardigrade could be very efficient indeed. Imagine, for example, putting the entire species’ evolution on ‘pause’, prioritizing survival over reproduction. I don’t have a point yet, but I would like you to generate a number of ideas or interesting aspects of this thought experiment. What evolutionary selection pressures could have exerted themselves upon the tardigrade in evolutionary history, such that the result would be such a bizarre and atypical animal?

Wavelength.ai :
The evolutionary implications of cryptobiosis in tardigrades are indeed intriguing. While speculative, here are some ideas and interesting aspects to consider regarding the selection pressures that could have shaped the unique characteristics of tardigrades:

  1. 1. Harsh and unpredictable environments: Tardigrades inhabit diverse environments with fluctuating conditions, such as deserts, polar regions, and aquatic habitats. The ability to enter cryptobiosis may have evolved as an adaptation to survive in these challenging environments with unpredictable periods of resource scarcity or extreme conditions.

2. Survival during catastrophic events: Tardigrades might have evolved cryptobiosis as a survival strategy during catastrophic events like natural disasters or mass extinctions. By entering a dormant state, tardigrades could increase their chances of survival and potentially re-establish populations once favorable conditions return.

3. Trade-off between survival and reproduction: The ability to prioritize survival over reproduction during cryptobiosis could be advantageous in environments where resources are limited or unpredictable. By conserving energy and resources, tardigrades can increase their overall long-term fitness, even if it means temporarily sacrificing reproductive opportunities.

4. Niche exploitation: Cryptobiosis could have allowed tardigrades to exploit unique ecological niches that are inaccessible or inhospitable to other organisms. This adaptation might have provided tardigrades with a competitive advantage and allowed them to occupy ecological niches that are relatively undisturbed or less crowded.

5. Genetic mechanisms and adaptations: Understanding the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying tardigrades' ability to enter cryptobiosis could shed light on the evolutionary history of these adaptations. Investigating the specific genes, proteins, and cellular processes involved may provide insights into the selective pressures that have shaped tardigrades' unique abilities.

It is important to note that these ideas are speculative and further research is needed to fully understand the evolutionary pressures that have influenced the development of tardigrades and their remarkable cryptobiotic abilities.