Ziad Shihab

Simpsons and Citizen Kane

Clip source: A%20%27Simpsons%27%20Supercut%20For%20The%2075th%20Anniversary%20of%20%27Citizen%20Kane%27



This ‘Simpsons’ Homage Supercut Celebrates The 75th Anniversary Of ‘Citizen Kane’

May 1st marks the 75th anniversary of Citizen Kane, arguably the most important and influential movie of all time. Naturally, Citizen Kane retrospectives, homages, and celebrations are popping up all over the place, reminding those damn millennials of its everlasting greatness. To put it in perspective, 99% of movies that came out in 1941 are now completely irrelevant, despite Kane getting a cold shoulder from the masses upon its original release. Yes, Maltese Falcon, Suspicion, and The Wolfman are great, but if John Huston and Hitchcock were here in 2016, they would probably concede to Orson Welles’ opus. It was like 2016 Steph Curry to the rest of the NBA, even though Welles didn’t get much hardware for his work.


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