Ziad Shihab

Russian paper on cinematographic propaganda

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Keywords: propaganda, cinematography, Russia, politics, art.

Art, as we know, reflects politics even when conscious intentions do not want to have anything to do with it. Since the 20th century, cinema has become one of the main channels for the production of political values. The intensification of its use occurred during times of war, but even in relatively peaceful conditions, political regimes directly or indirectly influenced films. It is clear that the analysis of Russian cinema in this context is the most relevant for the political field of Ukraine right now, so in the article we will try to prove that the Russian authorities largely rely on cinema as an easy and effective way of propaganda. For this, four films will be used mainly: "Kokoko", "Okolofutbola", "Pip" and "Russian Character".

The film "Pip" (2009, directed by Volodymyr Khotynenko) is a vivid example of conscious propaganda of political values. However, it is better to call propaganda here a sermon. The main theme of the film is Orthodoxy: in June 1941, the Germans enter the village of Tyhe in Latvia, and very soon the head of the local parish, Father Olek Sandr, realizes that now his main mission is to restore the faith of the people.

The main element of propaganda can be called "camouflage", that is, the masking of some values ​​under others. While the Soviet Union is a lost dream for many Russians, when the possibility of returning the name "Stalingrad" to Volgograd is seriously discussed, this film portrays "Sovietness" in a very negative way. In particular, apart from the collaborating policemen with the appropriate stereotypical appearance, the moment where we have to understand how the church was suppressed by the communists is very revealing. This church (in the sense of a spiritual institution as such) was a club named after the Germans before the arrival of the Germans. Comrade Kirova.

Now they are beginning to restore it, to carry it out