Ziad Shihab

Invoking Perry Mason - Court Comms - Symbolic Communication

Court Comms - Invoking Perry Mason

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Court Comms: Invoking Perry Mason

You can also read the rough draft of this post on twitter! https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1693477590055760217

How to Invoke the Ultimate Lawyer

Some stars were not born on the day claimed.

The reason for this is a lesson in comms utility!

  • 09/21/1957 Mark Levin Born: The most famous right wing lawyer alive today
  • 09/21/1957 Perry Mason premieres: Most popular courtroom series of all time

If you know Mark Levin you know this connection is too perfect to be coincidence.

He is known today for his radio audience of millions but his origin and expertise has always been as a lawyer.

He was chief of staff for the Attorney General under Ronald Reagan.

He then became the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation.

He has written entire books on the courts.

So for him to share an origin date with the greatest lawyer in fiction?

Not a coincidence.

Do you understand why this connection is a thing?

It’s simple utility really. Consider Mark Levin’s prominence origins under Reagan.

Ronald Reagan needed a "Perry Mason" and so his allies gave him one!

They took the smartest legal guy nobody knew and gave him a birth-date to communicate it.

No need to say it, with that birth-date everyone knew "this is our Perry Mason".

Given Iran-Contra, yea, he needed a famous defense lawyer.

He was also deeply involved in picking SCOTUS nominees for Reagan.

But even though I decode Mark Levin = Perry Mason.

What then was the original point of Perry Mason?

Perry Mason

All famous comms have an origin and point!

Perry Mason began in 1933, but the first book doesn’t have courtroom scenes which are the most famous thing about the series

When they began Perry Mason movies in 1934 they chose to begin with the 4th book. That film is still considered he best of all Perry Mason films.

Which given it all happened in the span of a year, that 4th book and film were likely the original "point" of Perry Mason.

I say "Book" but actually it was all serialized in magazines back then.

Let’s look at both and find clues

Note the star: MARY ASTOR!

This tells me I should be looking at Astor’s in 1934.

Astor if you aren’t familiar fought the Central banks trying to takeover until 1912.

Titanic was used to remove the final roadblock, but that doesn’t mean they all vanished.

Taking a "Life Saver Mint" began in 1912 as a way to suggest others side with the MINT i.e. FED. or end up like Astor who had no "life preserver"

And it worked as they passed the legislation months after.

Others too, but let’s get back to 1933/1934.

Defendant in Perry Mason = MARY ASTOR


  • 01/17/1934 Perry Mason 4th work Case of the Howling Dog Begins Serialization
  • 01/22/1934 ASTOR BREAKUP Blames parents of fiance
  • 02/06/1934 Planned ASTOR Wedding FAILS
  • 03/17/1934 Perry Mason Case Howling Dog Ends

Note this Astor was billed as the "Titanic Baby"

"born 4 Months after Titanic" and this was the 4th Perry Mason work which seems to have been what Perry Mason built up to.

That 4 connection may be nothing but big names are often "faces" for groups.

Points are known because they were publicized at the time which means they were likely COMMS.

Astor had a famous breakup during serialization and his publicly announced wedding plans were cancelled.


This story was written month to month so depending on what happened with Astor the story could change!

Marriage canceled = what was symbolized i.e. 2 groups getting together… didn’t.

After divorce police stops howling and story of Astor ends with no conviction!

Wedding was supposed to be Feb 1934

03/02/1934 New Feat In Study of Radioactivity; Artificial Disintegration of Atom produced. "Artificial radioactivity from NON-RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES"

Without mobilizing police they got results with simple "what if" using Perry Mason!

By doing nothing but sending a comm about a future case they were able to get an enemy to back down.

I notice Astor went to Shanghai CHINA right after, partnership may have been tied to them.

With FDR President and Great Depression started, efforts made to control opponents

That hypothesis is not solid. I need to dig more into that specific Astor as FDR and China.

They probably weren’t big fans of one another given the Roosevelt’s history with the Opium War, so it makes a certain amount of sense, but It’s unclear until digs. Especially since Astor also was tied to the Opium war and blackmail, but let’s move on.


When I looked at the next Perry Mason show I found something strange. This is a long shot, but it’s interesting!

  • 09/16/1973 New Perry Mason Show begins
  • 09/17/1973 BILL BARR’s Father Donald publishes Space Relations An allegory about elites and child sex trafficking

There are several fascinating things about this story.

  • 1. The writer was the father of Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr’s.
  • 2. At the time Donald Barr was HEADMASTER at a school that had just hired JEFFREY EPSTEIN.
  • 3. The subject was child sex trafficking of elites.

The basic elements are confirmed across the media, and given what we now know about Perry Mason comms, it might have been a threat of legal actions!

This was as Watergate was ongoing and just before Church Committee.

It exposed a sliver of MK, but never did touch blackmail!

If it were just that I wouldn’t have shared it. But there was another Perry Mason reboot…

  • 06/21/2020 Perry Mason Debut: Investigation of dead and kidnapped child
  • 06/21/2020 Epstein Partner Ghislaine Maxwell reported as hiding from feds in Paris

There were many comms tied to Maxwell’s arrest.

  • 06/21/2020 Asteroid the size of Eiffel Tower in FRANCE headed towards EARTH this week
  • 06/21/2020 MAXWELL Reported Hiding IN FRANCE

Who else could be a comm for the most important trial but PERRY MASON?

Also interesting is this Donald Barr article.

The abuse story in the novel has a "Morgan" demanding someone sexually assault a teenager.

Morgan is an interesting name to use for the villain in that context.

Notice the sidebar.

08/15/2023 Emails show JPMorgan working with Jeffrey Epstein to lure Google co-founder Sergey Brin as client: court docs

I’ve covered JPMorgan quite a few times recently and this week the big news story in that case connects the two!

It’s consistent for the past 200 or so years.

The Morgan bank being what appears to be the American arm of the Rothschilds. If not that then at the very least consistent allies from origin to modern times.

I’ll elaborate on Barr-Epstein as the connection is confusing without context.

Donald Barr was OSS, the pre-CIA CIA.

So there was a history to the family and comms. Likely Bill Barr was carrying on an established symbol from his father.

Bill Barr was AG not just for Trump but H.W. Bush!

Mark Levin worked under Reagan’s AG and his primary comm was tied to the first Perry Mason show, so having the next President pick an AG tied to the next Perry Mason is consistent. Albeit we are talking about his father.

The word "Bar" is a common legal one.

So if Donald Barr had important comms to be sent back then tied to Epstein (who worked at the same place)

A school in Manhattan (Project)

Donald Barr began in 1964… which is the same year the "Epstein-Barr" Herpes was discovered.

Sexually transmitted disease.

I’ve covered Epstein comms in famous shows.

  • 02/22/1993 Babylon 5 The Gathering: Starring JEFFREY SIN as CAPTAIN
  • 02/22/1993 Jeffrey Epstein buys Zorro New Mexico Ranch

The ranch he brought important people from around the world for blackmail. Reconcile Babylon 5 premise.

Babylon 5 shares a distinction with another show of the same year called Seaquest DSV.

Both involve U.N. parodies as the boss and they were the first shows to ever use Computer graphics for all the effects.

There is an important reason I bring this connection up.

  • 09/12/1993 New Perry Mason Actor WILLIAM BURR Death
  • 09/12/1993 SeaQuest DSV Debut
  • 01/20/1993 William Barr Attorney General END

William Burr/William Barr!

That may explain the name.

Symbolism of an end to court danger? This was as Clinton got in.

Both shows involved the U.N. parody as the boss.

Zorro Masked Ranch

Babylon 5 "Jeffrey SIN" as captain.

  • 05/05-08/1962 CERN FIRST COUNCIL
  • 05/06/1952 Jeffrey Sin (Michael O’Hare) Born Babylon 5 Captain Actor.
  • 02/22/1993 Babylon 5 Debut
  • 02/22/1993 Jeffrey Epstein buys Zorro Ranch

Reconcile those connections tying U.N. and the Zorro Ranch of Epstein with the plot.

Babylon 5 is a space show, setup "Alien" diplomacy station. Neutral territory between 5 empires.

Epstein’s character diffuses international situations with collected secret information.

Why "Zorro" Ranch? Why "Aliens"?

Define "Aliens"

  • 11/08/1940 Mark of Zorro debut Foreign "Alien" comes to L.A. to fix corruption
  • 11/10/1940 Walt Disney begins as an informer for the L.A. office of the FBI report Hollywood subversives
  • 11/12/1940 Batman Trademarked

"Aliens" is a word that defines people affiliated with a foreign government.

Masked "Zorro" is a symbol of anonymity. Carving of a "Z" is anonymously exposing villains with testimony.

Zorro has a SECRET IDENTITY defined as a "man of letters" to fight injustice.

Both Zorro and Disney were in Los Angeles.

Note the Batman connection as well, as Batman was not only trademarked at the same time, but this Zorro was the very film that inspired Batman in multiple official cannons.

Disney being an F.B.I.. informant was likely representing a host of people with that as the "face" of it.

That’s the point of anonymity after all.

Donning a disguise and creating a system of communications. His partner uses charades and sign language to communicate.

You may wonder how blackmail fits into things with Disney in relation to Epstein.

What was the love interest for Zorro?


  • 10/16/1923 Linda Darnell "Lolita Q" Zorro Born
  • 10/16/1923 Walt Disney Founded
  • 10/16/1923 Disney Alice in Wonderland Comedies Virginia as Alice

Disney would make its own version of Zorro a few years later starring "Guy" whose other most famous role was as the star of Lost in Space.

  • 09/15/1965 Lost in Space Debut Guy Williams
  • 09/15/1965 I Spy Bill Cosby breakout as International SPY
  • 09/12/1965 Sound of SILENCE
  • 09/15/1965 BIG MOUTH EPISODE: Dick Van Dyke "reveals Alan BRADY is bald" Ranked 8th greatest Episode of TV Ever by TV Guide.

"Guy" Lost in Space star & Zorro.

Cosby later played as "Guy Hanks" 44 Million winner helping police post retirement.

  • 09/15/1964 Man from U.N.C.L.E. VULCAN AFFAIR Pilot SPY SHOW
  • 09/15/1965 I Spy: Bill Cosby International Spy
  • 09/08/1966 STAR TREK Pilot (VULCAN)

These spy shows connect with space shows.

International becomes intergalactic. U.N. Becomes Space Federation.

Yet another "Guy" (Anonymous) is the British Agent from the original 007 Bond book.

  • 04/13/1953 Casino Royale James Bond Debut
  • 04/13/1953 MKUltra Approved by Allen Dulles

Allen = Alien.

MKUltra ops were not known by the participants which is why…

The following year there is this famous story of the POTUS meeting "Alien Ambassadors"

Highlighted by CodemonkeyZ yesterday.

The story involves Ike and 2 different types of Aliens. Nordic and Grays.

The AP reported Ike died of a heart attack in Palm Springs that day.

Why report his death? Sounds like a reaction to Ike siding with the Nordics. They issued a correction but the comm sends the message.

That’s official history, the "Alien" stuff is all comms of course but they really did report his death the same day. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2004/02/19/ike-and-the-alien-ambassadors/4698e544-1dc8-4573-8b8d-2b48d2a6305e/

Eisenhower refused to give up "Nuclear Weapons" and so did not come to agreement with the "Nordics" Instead he came to agreement with the "Greys" to let humans be kidnapped without their awareness so long as they were returned.

Nuclear being a comm tied to BOOMS.

This includes use of blackmail.

The first nuclear weapon could only be made with Oil from SPERM whales. No other oil would do, only SPERM.

So he wasn’t willing to give up the government blackmail ops.

I mentioned "Guy" playing as Zorro (Non identified male i.e. MASK) with "Lolita" as love interest, let’s look at that date.

  • 10/10/1957 Zorro Disney Premiere
  • 10/11/1957 First MAJOR NUCLEAR ACCIDENT
  • 10/11/1957 Leave it to Beaver TV Guide 42nd greatest TV episode

Note that Leave it to Beaver episode is famous for being delayed due to CENSORS not allowing anyone to ever show a TOILET.

I’ve covered Leave it to Beaver as a symbol before.

The famously wholesome front is a comm.

  • 10/04/1957 Leave it to Beaver Debut
  • 10/04/1957 Sputnik FIRST SATELLITE Launched
  • 10/04/1957 Eleanor Roosevelt Returns to USA from RUSSIA trip
  • 01/04/1958 Sputnik RETURNS to Earth
  • 01/04/1958 Edmund Hillary First Vehicle ride to Antarctica Pole

The reporting on that "Satellite" as the REDS BABY MOON.

Roosevelt returned from Russia alongside the Sputnik launch.

The point with Leave it to Beaver being timed is a symbol tied to the main character "Theodore" As in TEDDY Roosevelt comm.

First episode Teddy EXPELLED recruited to play "Smokey the BEAR"

Teddy Roosevelt is a comm I go over frequently.

  • 11/1902 Peter Pan Original story
  • 11/1902 Teddy Roosevelt Origin of Teddy Bear

A symbol of using children for blackmail without their awareness.

In other words "kidnapped by aliens".

That episode had Teddy/Beaver give FIRE as an excuse. (Transcript picture)

  • 10/04/1957 Sputnik
  • 10/04/1957 Beaver EXPELLED
  • 10/08/1957 GREAT BALLS OF FIRE
  • 10/10/1957 Zorro Disney Premiere
  • 10/11/1957 First NUCLEAR ACCIDENT: FIRE
  • 10/11/1957 Leave it to Beaver: Captain Jack (most famous episode)

That was the beginning of the SPACE RACE.

The connection to blackmail is how control is taken over individual agents. To control the "space".

South Park’s use of it as well as their comms tied to Teddy.

in both cases connecting to molestation.

  • 03/19/1983 Leave it to Beaver Sequel
  • 03/21/1983 U2 Sunday Bloody Sunday

There are many news stories about the cover to this album.

The point of VIOLENCE juxtaposed with that?

"BEAVER" as Alternative to WAR.

Album described as "pedophilic"

  • 05/01/1960 U-2 incident Gary Powers shot down by USSR
  • 05/10/1960 Bono of U-2 born
  • 05/10/1960 Soviet communications Gary Powers
  • 08/01/1977 U-2 Gary Powers Spy death crash
  • 08/03/1977 MKUltra Hearing

The response to Sputnik?

  • 12/06/1957 First U.S. Satellite launch FAILURE
  • 12/06/1957 TEAMSTERS Most powerful Union kicked out of Labor Federation

The symbol being a rejection of being a "Satellite" as Jimmy Hoffa rejected the terms

The hearings had accusations of Hoffa trying to gain control of the nation’s economy to set up a private government.

Illustrates just how much power was involved.

The reaction to this threat was in trying to gain control of these cells and if not remove them.

Also that same week was the first gold record certified.

  • 12/03/1957 "Catch a falling star AND PUT IT IN YOUR POCKET": First Gold Record
  • 12/06/1957 First U.S. Satellite FAILURE

Sputnik kicked off the Space Race which led to the creation of Nasa. First logo was GOLD.

Ray Chandler Chandrayaan Space

This brings us back to how control is taken in relation to Epstein.

Consider "Ray Chandler" and the posts made.

  • 07/06/2019 Epstein Arrest date
  • 07/11/2019 More than a dozen women unknown to law enforcement come forward with sexual abuse allegations against Epstein
  • 07/22/2019 Chandrayaan-2 Launch

ChandRay = Rachel Chandler.

What is Ray Chandler as a symbol?

Well, the most famous "Ray Chandler" is the close relative of Jordan Chandler. The family that brought down Michael Jackson with EVIDENCE of PERVERSION WITH CHILDREN.

That seems to be the symbolism in the name.

The first "Chandrayaan" was famous for being the first to FIND WATER ON THE MOON.

  • 09/23/2009 CHANDRAY WATER FOUND Announced
  • 09/22/2009 LEAKED CLIP OF JACKO Penguin dance

As always Water = Info as a comm.

Note the description of the water.


Note Ray Chandler’s profile pic. "Serene as the MOONLIT SNOW"


Michael Jackson officially died just months before that.

Could be a ducking message for those implicated in whatever data was collected. Could be real, but given the pattern and especially given his "Penguin leak" it’s more likely a duck comm.

I made this post As the Chandrayaan Probe was launching, Same day. https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1694320943492141413

08/23/2023 India’s Chandrayaan-3 probe to attempt historic moon landing today

A bit of history on Moon landings…

08/09/1976 Final Moon Landing for 37 years!

It wouldn’t be until December 14th 2013 with China’s lander that this practice would continue.

What to make of that giant pause starting in 1977?

  • 08/09/1976 Final Moon Landing for 37 years!
  • 08/01/1977 U-2 Gary Powers Spy death crash 08/03/1977 MKUltra Hearing
  • 08/03/1977 Tom Brady Born
  • 08/04/1977 Q Clearance DOE Begins

It’s possible "Moon Landings" were a retired practice post DOE changes.

"U2" Ends -> "BRADY" Begins

08/10/2023 Russia to launch first moon lander since 1976 in race with Indian spacecraft

"Russia to seek ice near south pole of the moon"

This one crashed but I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad comm.

Russia to launch first moon lander since 1976 in race with Indian spacecraft

08/21/2023 Russia’s Luna-25 Lander Has Crashed into the Moon

If these "Moon Landers" are symbols of getting/using evidence then India makes more sense.

There has been so much Russia demonization that it would weaken any revelations.

Russia’s Luna-25 Lander Has Crashed into the Moon

Luna-25, Russia’s first moon mission in nearly a half-century, was the vanguard of a planned series of lunar probes https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/russias-luna-25-lander-has-crashed-into-the-moon/

Don’t misunderstand, I don’t think the reveals are going to be done by a country itself i.e. "India" (tho that would be amazing) but perhaps an entity tied to them.

Someone not polarizing.

We might get clarity by comparing the old comms….

  • 10/2008 Chandrayaan-1 Launch
  • 10/2008 Epstein begins work release from jail.
  • 07/2009 Epstein is released from Jail
  • 08/2009 Chandrayaan-1 Last contact

Once again Chandrayaan = Ray Chandler symbolism.

  • 07/06/2019 Epstein Arrest date
  • 07/11/2019 More than a dozen women unknown to law enforcement come forward with sexual abuse allegations against Epstein
  • 07/22/2019 Chandrayaan-2 Launch

And given what we know about Epstein, what happened to Chandryaan-2?

  • 08/2019 Epstein Official Death
  • 09/2019 Chandrayaan-2 Crash

And the specific day…..

  • 09/26/2017 = Russia hides a Military Base Nuclear accident!
  • +1 day
  • 09/27/2017 = CIA Blackmailer Hefner Dead
  • 08/09/2019 = Russia Hides a Military Base Nuclear accident!
  • +1 day
  • 08/10/2019 = CIA Blackmailer Epstein Dead
  • 07/22/2019 "In-N-Out Burger" found mint condition in New York
  • 07/22/2019 Epstein Alive and Well after Failed "Suicide Attempt"? In New York
  • 08/16/2019 Maxwell spotted In-N-Out BURGER reading "Secret lives and deaths of CIA operatives"

When we line up Chandrayaan comms it is clearly tied to Epstein.

Which means the new one is likely tied to Maxwell.

08/19/20203 Ghislaine Maxwell revered by inmates for not working with feds while in worst part of jail: ‘She didn’t crack’

Now it says "she didn’t crack" but that’s the official position. The reality may be quite different!

11/13/2021 Raw sewage and rat droppings in Ghislaine Maxwell’s cell

  • 12/29/2021 Jeffrey Epstein associate Maxwell guilty on 5 of 6 counts in sex trafficking
  • 12/29/2021 Pentagon Building New Secret Courtroom at Guantánamo Bay for Mid-2023

As in it’s only recently BUILT AND READY with an expectation of handling people covertly.

The Pentagon secret courtroom was due "Mid-2023" which makes that right around the same time as this one…

05/31/2023 Maxwell fears retaliation after SNITCHING on two violent inmates.

She brought "evidence of blackmail" to authorities!

Just found out seconds ago…..

08/23/2023 India becomes fourth country to land on the moon, first on the south pole, with Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft

Landing was a success!

India becomes fourth country to land on the moon, first on the south pole, with Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft

The feat makes India the fourth country – after Russia, the U.S. and China – to land on the moon, and the first to land on one of the moon’s lunar poles. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/23/india-chandrayaan-3-moon-mission.html

COUNTDOWN… to what?

  • 09/26/2020 Joe Biden: ‘I Got to the Senate 180 Years Ago’
  • +180 Days= 03/25/2021
  • 03/25/2021 Joe Biden: ‘When I came to the U.S. Senate 120 years ago’
  • 03/25/2021 Olympic Torch begins its 121-day journey Around Japan Starting at the Nuclear Disaster Site
  • 03/25/2021 + 120 days = 07/23/2021
  • 07/23/2021 Japan Olympic Torch Passing Event Ends.
  • 07/23/2021 Joe Biden: "150 years ago I was chairman of the JUDICIARY"
  • 07/23/2021 Tokyo Olympics
  • +150 Days
  • 12/20/2021 Maxwell JURY deliberations begin
  • 12/20/2021 Biden Dog Commander Arrives
  • 12/20/2021 Maxwell JURY deliberations begin 12/20/2021 Biden Dog Commander Arrives in WASHINGTON

And this week?

08/21/2023 WASHINGTON Commanders end Ravens’ record 24-game preseason win streak

Which brings us back to the Moon LANDER being a success!

"Moonlit snow"


I covered the Baltimore Ravens loss but I didn’t decode them….

I’m not certain, but the 6 Ravens of the Tower Of London come to mind.

They are often talked of in relation to the Royal Family.

Legend holds that if there is not at least 6 Ravens the Kingdom will collapse.

That Ravens pre-season winning streak began in 2016, which is when Virginia launched the case against Maxwell/Epstein in relation to PRINCE ANDREW.

Q Highlighted this connection many times.

Note the pose in both pictures suggesting oral sex. Intentionally taken to signify what blackmail is held on an important figure.

Note also the sequence Q uses. Child Shoes + ADDICTION + OLD JOB + Kids in mirrors.

Oral Sex symbol + Child shoes Addiction + Old Job + Children shown from many angles via mirrors (Many Photographs)

The Queens official "favorite child" reaching a settlement tied to that photo.

This is probably why there have been so many "Exits" as of late.

I have an extensive Ravens decode on Twitter that will become a future post, https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1695443159365603824

"Should the ravens leave the tower, a great harm will befall the kingdom, it will crumble into dust," the ravenmaster said.

01/14/2021 ‘Queen’ raven leaves Tower of London — will kingdom crumble?

Define "leaving"
  • 02/22/2021 Prince Phillip fake Obituary
  • 02/24/2021 Statue of Queen Elizabeth Beheaded: Head has not been recovered
  • 04/09/2021 Prince Philip death. Jeffrey Epstein: Dies at age 66, 6 Months Prince Philip: Dies at age 99, 9 Months.
  • 2009: Prince Philip TRUFFLE TREES FAIL TO birth
  • 2009: Rachel Chandler tattoos lip with TRUFFLE.

Not giving birth = not going public.

Only in 2018 did the black diamond truffles bear fruit. Which is when cases were scandalous enough that settlements were made by his son!

Mug Shot of the Century

"Japan has announced plans to release waste from the Fukushima nuclear disaster into the Pacific Ocean starting as early as today"

08/24/2023 Fukushima radioactive waste dumped in the ocean ‘may cause mutant animals’ says expert.

Fukushima nuclear disaster was a part of the judicial countdown.

Nuclear water released, what else happened that day?

08/24/2023 Trump is set to surrender at a Georgia jail on charges he sought to overturn his 2020 election loss

Trump is set to surrender at a Georgia jail on charges he sought to overturn his 2020 election loss

Water = info as always.

So the "nuclear water" release is likely evidence that will put certain parties in legal crosshairs.

As I’ve long decoded, the 4th Indictment "arrest" sends a message. A public show to those in crosshairs "Soon, this is you."

Think about it.

The very person they tried to ruin being their own avatar. The very event they wished to see more than any other being a show of their own downfall.

It’s poetic!

Their own blind followers cheering every revelation all the while they know the truth!

Flips notwithstanding of course, because that’s the point of it all.

The "show" has long been a slow burning campaign to get as many people to flip and cooperate as possible.

To take deals and testify.

How many times was "Enjoy the show" said.

Think about why.

What was the "show" if not actors playing parts?

Think about this quote.


What was/is the movie if not what we are seeing now?

Due to my decoding this is obvious, but even without you can look at the circumstances and reach similar conclusions.

Because if things weren’t like I decode, why would twitter suddenly become a bastion of free speech?

It’s all preparation!

Heat Wave Peak!

If people are told it’s record breaking heat many will perceive it that way regardless of reality. It’s a placebo.

I’s entirely plausible these heat waves are no more than regular and only being discussed as comms.

4th Indictment leads to the 1st MUGSHOT.


A reader of mine suggested pointed out something interesting about this too….

They suggested before this headline went up that this was the "Mugshot heard around the world"

They specifically connected it to the Q posts with that phrase in it.

And when we look at those….

Take a look at context.

Q uses the phrase exactly 4 times!

Social media is called out.

Another highlights DECLASS-POTUS

JUDGEMENT DAY was the post directly after with a highlight on evidence tied to conducting using private e-mail addresses.


4 times…. 4.4 billion for twitter. 4th Indictment and so many more…

Q called out the PRE-Declass August 1st 2019 setting up the HOT 1-12.

And of course August 2019

  • 4 years = 2023! The HOT Declas Countdown

We’ve had nothing but record breaking heat news this month

Alongside the "Mug shot heard around the world" are ongoing attempts of Elon Musk to physically confront a fleeing Zuckerberg.

Possibly a symbol of apprehending criminals (MUG SHOT) who are doing everything possible to avoid being taken in.

I notice the 4th indictment MUGSHOT was in ATLANTA.

The same place Q highlighted in relation to Biden 666 comms. The Joe Biden presidential campaign.

Always intended to be built up and fail. To be the "Devil".

Let’s look at the recent game market for clues on legal comms….

Court Comms In New Games: Forspoken

A new IP and cost more than 100 million.

That puts it on par with the 10th most expensive ever and all those lists are clogged with sequels.

With a budget that big it’s sure to be a meaningful comms vehicle, and what I found demanded a decode.

By minute 17 I’d bet many readers would have a clear idea of what the basic symbolism at play is.

The game begins inside a COURT ROOM where the main character is on trial for attempted grand larceny.

They have a long criminal record and are guilty.

The defendant’s fate is in the hands of the judge.

Relevant FUTURE COURT CASES (Future is here!)

The most important and consistent symbol in this game begins with this scene.


The Judge chooses not to throw her in prison and instead takes off her CUFFS and releases her with the promise of doing 120 hours of community service.

After a few scenes I’ll cover later she gives her CAT "HOMER" to the JUDGE THAT SENTENCED HER.

Symbolism for being under control by another person. Not the judge specifically but in service to the law in exchange for leniency.

FLIPPING on criminals

Less than a minute after giving the cat to the judge the protagonist finds what she calls a CUFF.

She puts it on and is then transported to a magical world unable to take off the handcuffs from this point forward.

She finds monsters and uses the magic handcuffs to fight them.

Symbolism of testimony locking up other criminals.

Just as before she becomes the judges "pet" and can now "attack" monsters by turning them over! https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1668966367259918337

Let’s go back to scenes I skipped over as they more sense with context we now have.

Right after Court we learn she is part of a CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION stealing on behalf of a violent boss.

The people to flip on!

Criminal boss plot never comes up again.

She goes home and attempts to flee with the money she had built up from thievery.

The criminal gang sets fire to her house and she chooses to save her "cat" instead of dirty money.

As in turning on criminal syndicate.

Notice "Alice in Wonderland"

Notice the trailer for the game. The main character constantly being chased by an ELK/DOE/Q.

Symbol of the Q past criminal acts chasing people who fly with charges.

To the ends of the earth "choice is yours".

So going back to the actual game. After giving her cat "Home" to the judge and finding the magic prison handcuffs she is transported on a one way trip she can’t return from.

Now flipped she sees a "Dragon" and hides. As that is a symbol of the criminal syndicate. (Dragon = many working as one)

Instead of taking on the dragon she goes to a "Bridge" and takes on smaller monsters.

Note this line after doing so about "I’ll probably fly next" as this is a symbol of running away. Handcuffs rejects running away. A line that can’t be crossed.

Established comms become more consistent over time.

I’ll give an example from a very different genre.

In One Piece the heroes try to help a skeleton run away from a villain i.e. "fly" and before they do the criminal holding him hostage attacks a fly to scare them. They are called "Flies" several times in the sequence.

Same arc: Sanji leaves his Captain and kicks a tooth out.

Teeth inside mouth = many working together as a bite.

"face" = shared banner of all "teeth" I.e. a celebrity coordinates comms for many.

Right after Sanji comes back he grows tooth back.

Anyway, origin of the magic "handcuff" is a demon named "Rheddig"

Rheddig = Reddit + Digg. (Reddit famously took all of Digg’s traffic)

Reddit = Maxwell!

Story ends with handcuff changed to tattoo. Freedom except for stigma of crimes being public?

The main thing I believe to be keeping things slow & delayed is fear of panic activation of sleepers into mass tragedies.

The original intended release date of this game was May 24th 2022 before delay.

Same day as 3rd deadliest school shooting?

Anyway, so the symbolism of the game is pointed at criminals looking at jail time and giving them comms to follow to flip.

I went over her first arrest, but she actually gets arrested again after getting captured by the dragon. Dragon is revealed later to be her "mother".

The 2nd arrest actually puts her in jail. She kicks over the toilet bucket over and then she gets someone who lets her out of there in exchange for fighting corruption.

The feces bucket kick = escape from jail may be a symbol for giving evidence.

So she takes the leaders down, the first of which being a child killer. She collects their "handcuffs" and "levels up" with it. Making leveling up a plot point.

Which I take to simply mean getting the arrest of someone important is the goal and rewarded.

Game ends with her telepathically asking her cat to let the judge know she’s following her instructions.

Cat symbolism is just a symbol of seeing in the "dark" which fits. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2023/08/11/cat-eyes-abe-lincoln/

Ends with her "holding court and slaying demons" along with Cuff.

Ok… that would have been the end of the post, but I’m going to share how far readers have come!

The whole point of what I do is to teach! So it’s exciting whenever a reader steps up and solves something!

Reader Decode

A reader noted that all hurricanes 1953 to 1978 had female names so the first one surely had a comms name.

  • 05/25/1953 Alice FIRST FEMALE Hurricane
  • 05/29/1953 Edmund Hillary climbs Mt. Everest

By itself this look like little to nothing, but reconcile other decodes…

I already decoded the Mount Everest climb

  • 06/02/1953 Mount Everest Conquered by British Hillary
  • 06/02/1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth (Longest broadcast in history)
  • 06/06/1953 Alice dissipates (66)

British conquering the highest mountain same day as Queen!

This coronation was symbolism then of what?

The "Hurricane" now fits as a symbol of this STORM!

Moreover it may help give us context for the new Hillary hurricane. https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1696849836358975911

It should be noted Hillary was slated to be QUEEN HILLARY after her expected 2016 run.

They also noted this

HRC = Alice

Which I find interesting in relation to all of this because the original Alice in Wonderland was tied to the Queen of England! https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/08/alice-wonderland-rabbit-comms/

The Q post was in context of Epstein Island/Haiti/SA and other child trafficking hotspots being closed.

Alice and Wonderland is a symbol tied to blackmail using children so the two fit together. Saudi Arabia being "Wonderland" fit

Notice it’s Alice & Wonderland 11/02/2017.

The date is important because that was just before Al Waleed was arrested.

The story is tied to blackmail but the phrase "Alice & Wonderland" means something specific that was relevant that week.

"They don’t want evidence, This is the ALICE & WONDERLAND approach to impeachment: Verdict first, evidence never."

A symbol of what was to come in Saudi Arabia, that seizing was a simple thing because of the location.

Much of that was my own decoding not the readers, but they were the ones that found the initial pattern tied to the hurricane naming and many of the early points. I just "finished the sentence" so to speak lol.

This wasn’t their first contribution by a long shot and they are quickly catching up to me! Won’t be long before there are 2 of me and that’s just to start. It’s only going to exponentially increase from there!

Heck, imagine when we get someone who spends the time writing to make this all evocative. Look forward to it! Things are looking brighter and brighter!

Telegram Chat

Join the decoding telegram group! https://t.me/joinchat/KYw5c5cYjTFkMTJh

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Court Comms: Invoking Perry Mason

Some stars were not born on the day claimed.
The reason for this is a lesson in comms utility!
  • 09/21/1957 Mark Levin Born: The most famous right wing lawyer alive today
  • 09/21/1957 Perry Mason premieres: Most popular courtroom series of all time

Invoking the Ultimate Lawyer

If you know Mark Levin you know this connection is too perfect to be coincidence.
He is known today for his radio audience of millions but his origin and expertise has always been as a lawyer.
He was chief of staff for the Attorney General under Ronald Reagan.
He then became the former president of the Landmark Legal Foundation.
He has written entire books on the courts.
So for him to share an origin date with the greatest lawyer in fiction?
[link ]
Not a coincidence.
Do you understand why this connection is a thing?
It’s simple utility really. Consider Mark Levin’s prominence origins under Reagan.
Ronald Reagan needed a "Perry Mason" and so his allies gave him one!
They took the smartest legal guy nobody knew and gave him a birth-date to communicate it.
No need to say it, with that birth-date everyone knew "this is our Perry Mason".
Given Iran-Contra, yea, he needed a famous defense lawyer.
He was also deeply involved in picking SCOTUS nominees for Reagan.
But even though I decode Mark Levin = Perry Mason.
What then was the original point of Perry Mason?

Perry Mason

All famous comms have an origin and point!
Perry Mason began in 1933, but the first book doesn’t have courtroom scenes which are the most famous thing about the series
When they began Perry Mason movies in 1934 they chose to begin with the 4th book. That film is still considered he best of all Perry Mason films.
Which given it all happened in the span of a year, that 4th book and film were likely the original "point" of Perry Mason.
I say "Book" but actually it was all serialized in magazines back then.
Let’s look at both and find clues
Note the star: MARY ASTOR!
This tells me I should be looking at Astor’s in 1934.
Astor if you aren’t familiar fought the Central banks trying to takeover until 1912.
Titanic was used to remove the final roadblock, but that doesn’t mean they all vanished.
Taking a "Life Saver Mint" began in 1912 as a way to suggest others side with the MINT i.e. FED. or end up like Astor who had no "life preserver"
And it worked as they passed the legislation months after.
Others too, but let’s get back to 1933/1934.
Defendant in Perry Mason = MARY ASTOR
  • 01/17/1934 Perry Mason 4th work Case of the Howling Dog Begins Serialization
  • 01/22/1934 ASTOR BREAKUP Blames parents of fiance
  • 02/06/1934 Planned ASTOR Wedding FAILS
  • 03/17/1934 Perry Mason Case Howling Dog Ends
Note this Astor was billed as the "Titanic Baby"
"born 4 Months after Titanic" and this was the 4th Perry Mason work which seems to have been what Perry Mason built up to.
That 4 connection may be nothing but big names are often "faces" for groups.
Points are known because they were publicized at the time which means they were likely COMMS.
Astor had a famous breakup during serialization and his publicly announced wedding plans were cancelled.
This story was written month to month so depending on what happened with Astor the story could change!
Marriage canceled = what was symbolized i.e. 2 groups getting together… didn’t.
After divorce police stops howling and story of Astor ends with no conviction!
Wedding was supposed to be Feb 1934
03/02/1934 New Feat In Study of Radioactivity; Artificial Disintegration of Atom produced. "Artificial radioactivity from NON-RADIOACTIVE SUBSTANCES"
Without mobilizing police they got results with simple "what if" using Perry Mason!
By doing nothing but sending a comm about a future case they were able to get an enemy to back down.
I notice Astor went to Shanghai CHINA right after, partnership may have been tied to them.
With FDR President and Great Depression started, efforts made to control opponents
That hypothesis is not solid. I need to dig more into that specific Astor as FDR and China.
They probably weren’t big fans of one another given the Roosevelt’s history with the Opium War, so it makes a certain amount of sense, but It’s unclear until digs. Especially since Astor also was tied to the Opium war and blackmail, but let’s move on.


When I looked at the next Perry Mason show I found something strange. This is a long shot, but it’s interesting!
  • 09/16/1973 New Perry Mason Show begins
  • 09/17/1973 BILL BARR’s Father Donald publishes Space Relations An allegory about elites and child sex trafficking
There are several fascinating things about this story.
  • 1. The writer was the father of Trump’s Attorney General Bill Barr’s.
  • 2. At the time Donald Barr was HEADMASTER at a school that had just hired JEFFREY EPSTEIN.
  • 3. The subject was child sex trafficking of elites.
The basic elements are confirmed across the media, and given what we now know about Perry Mason comms, it might have been a threat of legal actions!
This was as Watergate was ongoing and just before Church Committee.
It exposed a sliver of MK, but never did touch blackmail!
If it were just that I wouldn’t have shared it. But there was another Perry Mason reboot…
  • 06/21/2020 Perry Mason Debut: Investigation of dead and kidnapped child
  • 06/21/2020 Epstein Partner Ghislaine Maxwell reported as hiding from feds in Paris
There were many comms tied to Maxwell’s arrest.
  • 06/21/2020 Asteroid the size of Eiffel Tower in FRANCE headed towards EARTH this week
  • 06/21/2020 MAXWELL Reported Hiding IN FRANCE
Who else could be a comm for the most important trial but PERRY MASON?
Also interesting is this Donald Barr article.
The abuse story in the novel has a "Morgan" demanding someone sexually assault a teenager.
Morgan is an interesting name to use for the villain in that context.
Notice the sidebar.
08/15/2023 Emails show JPMorgan working with Jeffrey Epstein to lure Google co-founder Sergey Brin as client: court docs
I’ve covered JPMorgan quite a few times recently and this week the big news story in that case connects the two!
It’s consistent for the past 200 or so years.
The Morgan bank being what appears to be the American arm of the Rothschilds. If not that then at the very least consistent allies from origin to modern times.
I’ll elaborate on Barr-Epstein as the connection is confusing without context.
Donald Barr was OSS, the pre-CIA CIA.
So there was a history to the family and comms. Likely Bill Barr was carrying on an established symbol from his father.
Bill Barr was AG not just for Trump but H.W. Bush!
Mark Levin worked under Reagan’s AG and his primary comm was tied to the first Perry Mason show, so having the next President pick an AG tied to the next Perry Mason is consistent. Albeit we are talking about his father.
The word "Bar" is a common legal one.
So if Donald Barr had important comms to be sent back then tied to Epstein (who worked at the same place)
A school in Manhattan (Project)
Donald Barr began in 1964… which is the same year the "Epstein-Barr" Herpes was discovered.
Sexually transmitted disease.
I’ve covered Epstein comms in famous shows.
  • 02/22/1993 Babylon 5 The Gathering: Starring JEFFREY SIN as CAPTAIN
  • 02/22/1993 Jeffrey Epstein buys Zorro New Mexico Ranch
The ranch he brought important people from around the world for blackmail. Reconcile Babylon 5 premise.
Babylon 5 shares a distinction with another show of the same year called Seaquest DSV.
Both involve U.N. parodies as the boss and they were the first shows to ever use Computer graphics for all the effects.
There is an important reason I bring this connection up.
  • 09/12/1993 New Perry Mason Actor WILLIAM BURR Death
  • 09/12/1993 SeaQuest DSV Debut
  • 01/20/1993 William Barr Attorney General END
William Burr/William Barr!
That may explain the name.
Symbolism of an end to court danger? This was as Clinton got in.
Both shows involved the U.N. parody as the boss.

Zorro Masked Ranch

Babylon 5 "Jeffrey SIN" as captain.
  • 05/05-08/1962 CERN FIRST COUNCIL
  • 05/06/1952 Jeffrey Sin (Michael O’Hare) Born Babylon 5 Captain Actor.
  • 02/22/1993 Babylon 5 Debut
  • 02/22/1993 Jeffrey Epstein buys Zorro Ranch
Reconcile those connections tying U.N. and the Zorro Ranch of Epstein with the plot.
Babylon 5 is a space show, setup "Alien" diplomacy station. Neutral territory between 5 empires.
Epstein’s character diffuses international situations with collected secret information.
Why "Zorro" Ranch? Why "Aliens"?
Define "Aliens"
  • 11/08/1940 Mark of Zorro debut Foreign "Alien" comes to L.A. to fix corruption
  • 11/10/1940 Walt Disney begins as an informer for the L.A. office of the FBI report Hollywood subversives
  • 11/12/1940 Batman Trademarked
"Aliens" is a word that defines people affiliated with a foreign government.
Masked "Zorro" is a symbol of anonymity. Carving of a "Z" is anonymously exposing villains with testimony.
Zorro has a SECRET IDENTITY defined as a "man of letters" to fight injustice.
Both Zorro and Disney were in Los Angeles.
Note the Batman connection as well, as Batman was not only trademarked at the same time, but this Zorro was the very film that inspired Batman in multiple official cannons.
Disney being an F.B.I.. informant was likely representing a host of people with that as the "face" of it.
That’s the point of anonymity after all.
Donning a disguise and creating a system of communications. His partner uses charades and sign language to communicate.
You may wonder how blackmail fits into things with Disney in relation to Epstein.
What was the love interest for Zorro?
  • 10/16/1923 Linda Darnell "Lolita Q" Zorro Born
  • 10/16/1923 Walt Disney Founded
  • 10/16/1923 Disney Alice in Wonderland Comedies Virginia as Alice
Disney would make its own version of Zorro a few years later starring "Guy" whose other most famous role was as the star of Lost in Space.
  • 09/15/1965 Lost in Space Debut Guy Williams
  • 09/15/1965 I Spy Bill Cosby breakout as International SPY
  • 09/12/1965 Sound of SILENCE
  • 09/15/1965 BIG MOUTH EPISODE: Dick Van Dyke "reveals Alan BRADY is bald" Ranked 8th greatest Episode of TV Ever by TV Guide.
"Guy" Lost in Space star & Zorro.
Cosby later played as "Guy Hanks" 44 Million winner helping police post retirement.
  • 09/15/1964 Man from U.N.C.L.E. VULCAN AFFAIR Pilot SPY SHOW
  • 09/15/1965 I Spy: Bill Cosby International Spy
  • 09/08/1966 STAR TREK Pilot (VULCAN)
These spy shows connect with space shows.
International becomes intergalactic. U.N. Becomes Space Federation.
Yet another "Guy" (Anonymous) is the British Agent from the original 007 Bond book.
  • 04/13/1953 Casino Royale James Bond Debut
  • 04/13/1953 MKUltra Approved by Allen Dulles
Allen = Alien.
MKUltra ops were not known by the participants which is why…
The following year there is this famous story of the POTUS meeting "Alien Ambassadors"
Highlighted by CodemonkeyZ yesterday.
The story involves Ike and 2 different types of Aliens. Nordic and Grays.
The AP reported Ike died of a heart attack in Palm Springs that day.
Why report his death? Sounds like a reaction to Ike siding with the Nordics. They issued a correction but the comm sends the message.
That’s official history, the "Alien" stuff is all comms of course but they really did report his death the same day. https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/2004/02/19/ike-and-the-alien-ambassadors/4698e544-1dc8-4573-8b8d-2b48d2a6305e/
Eisenhower refused to give up "Nuclear Weapons" and so did not come to agreement with the "Nordics" Instead he came to agreement with the "Greys" to let humans be kidnapped without their awareness so long as they were returned.
Nuclear being a comm tied to BOOMS.
This includes use of blackmail.
The first nuclear weapon could only be made with Oil from SPERM whales. No other oil would do, only SPERM.
So he wasn’t willing to give up the government blackmail ops.
I mentioned "Guy" playing as Zorro (Non identified male i.e. MASK) with "Lolita" as love interest, let’s look at that date.
  • 10/10/1957 Zorro Disney Premiere
  • 10/11/1957 First MAJOR NUCLEAR ACCIDENT
  • 10/11/1957 Leave it to Beaver TV Guide 42nd greatest TV episode
Note that Leave it to Beaver episode is famous for being delayed due to CENSORS not allowing anyone to ever show a TOILET.
I’ve covered Leave it to Beaver as a symbol before.
The famously wholesome front is a comm.
  • 10/04/1957 Leave it to Beaver Debut
  • 10/04/1957 Sputnik FIRST SATELLITE Launched
  • 10/04/1957 Eleanor Roosevelt Returns to USA from RUSSIA trip
  • 01/04/1958 Sputnik RETURNS to Earth
  • 01/04/1958 Edmund Hillary First Vehicle ride to Antarctica Pole
The reporting on that "Satellite" as the REDS BABY MOON.
Roosevelt returned from Russia alongside the Sputnik launch.
The point with Leave it to Beaver being timed is a symbol tied to the main character "Theodore" As in TEDDY Roosevelt comm.
First episode Teddy EXPELLED recruited to play "Smokey the BEAR"
Teddy Roosevelt is a comm I go over frequently.
  • 11/1902 Peter Pan Original story
  • 11/1902 Teddy Roosevelt Origin of Teddy Bear
A symbol of using children for blackmail without their awareness.
In other words "kidnapped by aliens".
That episode had Teddy/Beaver give FIRE as an excuse. (Transcript picture)
  • 10/04/1957 Sputnik
  • 10/04/1957 Beaver EXPELLED
  • 10/08/1957 GREAT BALLS OF FIRE
  • 10/10/1957 Zorro Disney Premiere
  • 10/11/1957 First NUCLEAR ACCIDENT: FIRE
  • 10/11/1957 Leave it to Beaver: Captain Jack (most famous episode)
That was the beginning of the SPACE RACE.
The connection to blackmail is how control is taken over individual agents. To control the "space".
South Park’s use of it as well as their comms tied to Teddy.
in both cases connecting to molestation.
  • 03/19/1983 Leave it to Beaver Sequel
  • 03/21/1983 U2 Sunday Bloody Sunday
There are many news stories about the cover to this album.
The point of VIOLENCE juxtaposed with that?
"BEAVER" as Alternative to WAR.
Album described as "pedophilic"
  • 05/01/1960 U-2 incident Gary Powers shot down by USSR
  • 05/10/1960 Bono of U-2 born
  • 05/10/1960 Soviet communications Gary Powers
  • 08/01/1977 U-2 Gary Powers Spy death crash
  • 08/03/1977 MKUltra Hearing
The response to Sputnik?
  • 12/06/1957 First U.S. Satellite launch FAILURE
  • 12/06/1957 TEAMSTERS Most powerful Union kicked out of Labor Federation
The symbol being a rejection of being a "Satellite" as Jimmy Hoffa rejected the terms
The hearings had accusations of Hoffa trying to gain control of the nation’s economy to set up a private government.
Illustrates just how much power was involved.
The reaction to this threat was in trying to gain control of these cells and if not remove them.
Also that same week was the first gold record certified.
  • 12/03/1957 "Catch a falling star AND PUT IT IN YOUR POCKET": First Gold Record
  • 12/06/1957 First U.S. Satellite FAILURE
Sputnik kicked off the Space Race which led to the creation of Nasa. First logo was GOLD.

Ray Chandler Chandrayaan Space

This brings us back to how control is taken in relation to Epstein.
Consider "Ray Chandler" and the posts made.
  • 07/06/2019 Epstein Arrest date
  • 07/11/2019 More than a dozen women unknown to law enforcement come forward with sexual abuse allegations against Epstein
  • 07/22/2019 Chandrayaan-2 Launch
ChandRay = Rachel Chandler.
What is Ray Chandler as a symbol?
Well, the most famous "Ray Chandler" is the close relative of Jordan Chandler. The family that brought down Michael Jackson with EVIDENCE of PERVERSION WITH CHILDREN.
That seems to be the symbolism in the name.
The first "Chandrayaan" was famous for being the first to FIND WATER ON THE MOON.
  • 09/23/2009 CHANDRAY WATER FOUND Announced
  • 09/22/2009 LEAKED CLIP OF JACKO Penguin dance
As always Water = Info as a comm.
Note the description of the water.
Note Ray Chandler’s profile pic. "Serene as the MOONLIT SNOW"
Michael Jackson officially died just months before that.
Could be a ducking message for those implicated in whatever data was collected. Could be real, but given the pattern and especially given his "Penguin leak" it’s more likely a duck comm.
I made this post As the Chandrayaan Probe was launching, Same day. https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1694320943492141413
08/23/2023 India’s Chandrayaan-3 probe to attempt historic moon landing today
A bit of history on Moon landings…
08/09/1976 Final Moon Landing for 37 years!
It wouldn’t be until December 14th 2013 with China’s lander that this practice would continue.
What to make of that giant pause starting in 1977?
  • 08/09/1976 Final Moon Landing for 37 years!
  • 08/01/1977 U-2 Gary Powers Spy death crash 08/03/1977 MKUltra Hearing
  • 08/03/1977 Tom Brady Born
  • 08/04/1977 Q Clearance DOE Begins
It’s possible "Moon Landings" were a retired practice post DOE changes.
"U2" Ends -> "BRADY" Begins
08/10/2023 Russia to launch first moon lander since 1976 in race with Indian spacecraft
"Russia to seek ice near south pole of the moon"
This one crashed but I don’t necessarily think that’s a bad comm.
Russia to launch first moon lander since 1976 in race with Indian spacecraft
08/21/2023 Russia’s Luna-25 Lander Has Crashed into the Moon
If these "Moon Landers" are symbols of getting/using evidence then India makes more sense.
There has been so much Russia demonization that it would weaken any revelations.
Russia’s Luna-25 Lander Has Crashed into the Moon
Luna-25, Russia’s first moon mission in nearly a half-century, was the vanguard of a planned series of lunar probes https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/russias-luna-25-lander-has-crashed-into-the-moon/
Don’t misunderstand, I don’t think the reveals are going to be done by a country itself i.e. "India" (tho that would be amazing) but perhaps an entity tied to them.
Someone not polarizing.
We might get clarity by comparing the old comms….
  • 10/2008 Chandrayaan-1 Launch
  • 10/2008 Epstein begins work release from jail.
  • 07/2009 Epstein is released from Jail
  • 08/2009 Chandrayaan-1 Last contact
Once again Chandrayaan = Ray Chandler symbolism.
  • 07/06/2019 Epstein Arrest date
  • 07/11/2019 More than a dozen women unknown to law enforcement come forward with sexual abuse allegations against Epstein
  • 07/22/2019 Chandrayaan-2 Launch
And given what we know about Epstein, what happened to Chandryaan-2?
  • 08/2019 Epstein Official Death
  • 09/2019 Chandrayaan-2 Crash
And the specific day…..
  • 09/26/2017 = Russia hides a Military Base Nuclear accident!
  • +1 day
  • 09/27/2017 = CIA Blackmailer Hefner Dead
  • 08/09/2019 = Russia Hides a Military Base Nuclear accident!
  • +1 day
  • 08/10/2019 = CIA Blackmailer Epstein Dead
  • 07/22/2019 "In-N-Out Burger" found mint condition in New York
  • 07/22/2019 Epstein Alive and Well after Failed "Suicide Attempt"? In New York
  • 08/16/2019 Maxwell spotted In-N-Out BURGER reading "Secret lives and deaths of CIA operatives"
When we line up Chandrayaan comms it is clearly tied to Epstein.
Which means the new one is likely tied to Maxwell.
08/19/20203 Ghislaine Maxwell revered by inmates for not working with feds while in worst part of jail: ‘She didn’t crack’
Now it says "she didn’t crack" but that’s the official position. The reality may be quite different!
11/13/2021 Raw sewage and rat droppings in Ghislaine Maxwell’s cell
  • 12/29/2021 Jeffrey Epstein associate Maxwell guilty on 5 of 6 counts in sex trafficking
  • 12/29/2021 Pentagon Building New Secret Courtroom at Guantánamo Bay for Mid-2023
As in it’s only recently BUILT AND READY with an expectation of handling people covertly.
The Pentagon secret courtroom was due "Mid-2023" which makes that right around the same time as this one…
05/31/2023 Maxwell fears retaliation after SNITCHING on two violent inmates.
She brought "evidence of blackmail" to authorities!
Just found out seconds ago…..
08/23/2023 India becomes fourth country to land on the moon, first on the south pole, with Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft
Landing was a success!
India becomes fourth country to land on the moon, first on the south pole, with Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft
The feat makes India the fourth country – after Russia, the U.S. and China – to land on the moon, and the first to land on one of the moon’s lunar poles. https://www.cnbc.com/2023/08/23/india-chandrayaan-3-moon-mission.html
COUNTDOWN… to what?
  • 09/26/2020 Joe Biden: ‘I Got to the Senate 180 Years Ago’
  • +180 Days= 03/25/2021
  • 03/25/2021 Joe Biden: ‘When I came to the U.S. Senate 120 years ago’
  • 03/25/2021 Olympic Torch begins its 121-day journey Around Japan Starting at the Nuclear Disaster Site
  • 03/25/2021 + 120 days = 07/23/2021
  • 07/23/2021 Japan Olympic Torch Passing Event Ends.
  • 07/23/2021 Joe Biden: "150 years ago I was chairman of the JUDICIARY"
  • 07/23/2021 Tokyo Olympics
  • +150 Days
  • 12/20/2021 Maxwell JURY deliberations begin
  • 12/20/2021 Biden Dog Commander Arrives
  • 12/20/2021 Maxwell JURY deliberations begin 12/20/2021 Biden Dog Commander Arrives in WASHINGTON
And this week?
08/21/2023 WASHINGTON Commanders end Ravens’ record 24-game preseason win streak
Which brings us back to the Moon LANDER being a success!
"Moonlit snow"


I covered the Baltimore Ravens loss but I didn’t decode them….
I’m not certain, but the 6 Ravens of the Tower Of London come to mind.
They are often talked of in relation to the Royal Family.
Legend holds that if there is not at least 6 Ravens the Kingdom will collapse.
That Ravens pre-season winning streak began in 2016, which is when Virginia launched the case against Maxwell/Epstein in relation to PRINCE ANDREW.
Q Highlighted this connection many times.
Note the pose in both pictures suggesting oral sex. Intentionally taken to signify what blackmail is held on an important figure.
Note also the sequence Q uses. Child Shoes + ADDICTION + OLD JOB + Kids in mirrors.
Oral Sex symbol + Child shoes Addiction + Old Job + Children shown from many angles via mirrors (Many Photographs)
The Queens official "favorite child" reaching a settlement tied to that photo.
This is probably why there have been so many "Exits" as of late.
I have an extensive Ravens decode on Twitter that will become a future post, https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1695443159365603824
"Should the ravens leave the tower, a great harm will befall the kingdom, it will crumble into dust," the ravenmaster said.
01/14/2021 ‘Queen’ raven leaves Tower of London — will kingdom crumble?
Define "leaving"
  • 02/22/2021 Prince Phillip fake Obituary
  • 02/24/2021 Statue of Queen Elizabeth Beheaded: Head has not been recovered
  • 04/09/2021 Prince Philip death. Jeffrey Epstein: Dies at age 66, 6 Months Prince Philip: Dies at age 99, 9 Months.
  • 2009: Prince Philip TRUFFLE TREES FAIL TO birth
  • 2009: Rachel Chandler tattoos lip with TRUFFLE.
Not giving birth = not going public.
Only in 2018 did the black diamond truffles bear fruit. Which is when cases were scandalous enough that settlements were made by his son!

Mug Shot of the Century

"Japan has announced plans to release waste from the Fukushima nuclear disaster into the Pacific Ocean starting as early as today"
08/24/2023 Fukushima radioactive waste dumped in the ocean ‘may cause mutant animals’ says expert.
Fukushima nuclear disaster was a part of the judicial countdown.
Nuclear water released, what else happened that day?
08/24/2023 Trump is set to surrender at a Georgia jail on charges he sought to overturn his 2020 election loss
Trump is set to surrender at a Georgia jail on charges he sought to overturn his 2020 election loss
Water = info as always.
So the "nuclear water" release is likely evidence that will put certain parties in legal crosshairs.
As I’ve long decoded, the 4th Indictment "arrest" sends a message. A public show to those in crosshairs "Soon, this is you."
Think about it.
The very person they tried to ruin being their own avatar. The very event they wished to see more than any other being a show of their own downfall.
It’s poetic!
Their own blind followers cheering every revelation all the while they know the truth!
Flips notwithstanding of course, because that’s the point of it all.
The "show" has long been a slow burning campaign to get as many people to flip and cooperate as possible.
To take deals and testify.
How many times was "Enjoy the show" said.
Think about why.
What was the "show" if not actors playing parts?
Think about this quote.
What was/is the movie if not what we are seeing now?
Due to my decoding this is obvious, but even without you can look at the circumstances and reach similar conclusions.
Because if things weren’t like I decode, why would twitter suddenly become a bastion of free speech?
It’s all preparation!
Heat Wave Peak!
If people are told it’s record breaking heat many will perceive it that way regardless of reality. It’s a placebo.
I’s entirely plausible these heat waves are no more than regular and only being discussed as comms.
4th Indictment leads to the 1st MUGSHOT.
A reader of mine suggested pointed out something interesting about this too….
They suggested before this headline went up that this was the "Mugshot heard around the world"
They specifically connected it to the Q posts with that phrase in it.
And when we look at those….
Take a look at context.
Q uses the phrase exactly 4 times!
Social media is called out.
Another highlights DECLASS-POTUS
JUDGEMENT DAY was the post directly after with a highlight on evidence tied to conducting using private e-mail addresses.
4 times…. 4.4 billion for twitter. 4th Indictment and so many more…
Q called out the PRE-Declass August 1st 2019 setting up the HOT 1-12.
And of course August 2019
  • 4 years = 2023! The HOT Declas Countdown
We’ve had nothing but record breaking heat news this month
Alongside the "Mug shot heard around the world" are ongoing attempts of Elon Musk to physically confront a fleeing Zuckerberg.
Possibly a symbol of apprehending criminals (MUG SHOT) who are doing everything possible to avoid being taken in.
I notice the 4th indictment MUGSHOT was in ATLANTA.
The same place Q highlighted in relation to Biden 666 comms. The Joe Biden presidential campaign.
Always intended to be built up and fail. To be the "Devil".
Let’s look at the recent game market for clues on legal comms….

Court Comms In New Games: Forspoken

A new IP and cost more than 100 million.
That puts it on par with the 10th most expensive ever and all those lists are clogged with sequels.
With a budget that big it’s sure to be a meaningful comms vehicle, and what I found demanded a decode.
[link ]
By minute 17 I’d bet many readers would have a clear idea of what the basic symbolism at play is.
The game begins inside a COURT ROOM where the main character is on trial for attempted grand larceny.
They have a long criminal record and are guilty.
The defendant’s fate is in the hands of the judge.
Relevant FUTURE COURT CASES (Future is here!)
The most important and consistent symbol in this game begins with this scene.
The Judge chooses not to throw her in prison and instead takes off her CUFFS and releases her with the promise of doing 120 hours of community service.
After a few scenes I’ll cover later she gives her CAT "HOMER" to the JUDGE THAT SENTENCED HER.
Symbolism for being under control by another person. Not the judge specifically but in service to the law in exchange for leniency.
FLIPPING on criminals
Less than a minute after giving the cat to the judge the protagonist finds what she calls a CUFF.
She puts it on and is then transported to a magical world unable to take off the handcuffs from this point forward.
She finds monsters and uses the magic handcuffs to fight them.
Symbolism of testimony locking up other criminals.
Just as before she becomes the judges "pet" and can now "attack" monsters by turning them over! https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1668966367259918337
Let’s go back to scenes I skipped over as they more sense with context we now have.
Right after Court we learn she is part of a CRIMINAL ORGANIZATION stealing on behalf of a violent boss.
The people to flip on!
Criminal boss plot never comes up again.
She goes home and attempts to flee with the money she had built up from thievery.
The criminal gang sets fire to her house and she chooses to save her "cat" instead of dirty money.
As in turning on criminal syndicate.
Notice "Alice in Wonderland"
Notice the trailer for the game. The main character constantly being chased by an ELK/DOE/Q.
Symbol of the Q past criminal acts chasing people who fly with charges.
To the ends of the earth "choice is yours".
So going back to the actual game. After giving her cat "Home" to the judge and finding the magic prison handcuffs she is transported on a one way trip she can’t return from.
Now flipped she sees a "Dragon" and hides. As that is a symbol of the criminal syndicate. (Dragon = many working as one)
Instead of taking on the dragon she goes to a "Bridge" and takes on smaller monsters.
Note this line after doing so about "I’ll probably fly next" as this is a symbol of running away. Handcuffs rejects running away. A line that can’t be crossed.
Established comms become more consistent over time.
I’ll give an example from a very different genre.
In One Piece the heroes try to help a skeleton run away from a villain i.e. "fly" and before they do the criminal holding him hostage attacks a fly to scare them. They are called "Flies" several times in the sequence.
Same arc: Sanji leaves his Captain and kicks a tooth out.
Teeth inside mouth = many working together as a bite.
"face" = shared banner of all "teeth" I.e. a celebrity coordinates comms for many.
Right after Sanji comes back he grows tooth back.
Anyway, origin of the magic "handcuff" is a demon named "Rheddig"
Rheddig = Reddit + Digg. (Reddit famously took all of Digg’s traffic)
Reddit = Maxwell!
Story ends with handcuff changed to tattoo. Freedom except for stigma of crimes being public?
The main thing I believe to be keeping things slow & delayed is fear of panic activation of sleepers into mass tragedies.
The original intended release date of this game was May 24th 2022 before delay.
Same day as 3rd deadliest school shooting?
Anyway, so the symbolism of the game is pointed at criminals looking at jail time and giving them comms to follow to flip.
I went over her first arrest, but she actually gets arrested again after getting captured by the dragon. Dragon is revealed later to be her "mother".
The 2nd arrest actually puts her in jail. She kicks over the toilet bucket over and then she gets someone who lets her out of there in exchange for fighting corruption.
The feces bucket kick = escape from jail may be a symbol for giving evidence.
So she takes the leaders down, the first of which being a child killer. She collects their "handcuffs" and "levels up" with it. Making leveling up a plot point.
Which I take to simply mean getting the arrest of someone important is the goal and rewarded.
Game ends with her telepathically asking her cat to let the judge know she’s following her instructions.
Cat symbolism is just a symbol of seeing in the "dark" which fits. https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2023/08/11/cat-eyes-abe-lincoln/
Ends with her "holding court and slaying demons" along with Cuff.
Ok… that would have been the end of the post, but I’m going to share how far readers have come!
The whole point of what I do is to teach! So it’s exciting whenever a reader steps up and solves something!

Reader Decode

A reader noted that all hurricanes 1953 to 1978 had female names so the first one surely had a comms name.
  • 05/25/1953 Alice FIRST FEMALE Hurricane
  • 05/29/1953 Edmund Hillary climbs Mt. Everest
By itself this look like little to nothing, but reconcile other decodes…
I already decoded the Mount Everest climb
  • 06/02/1953 Mount Everest Conquered by British Hillary
  • 06/02/1953 Coronation of Queen Elizabeth (Longest broadcast in history)
  • 06/06/1953 Alice dissipates (66)
British conquering the highest mountain same day as Queen!
This coronation was symbolism then of what?
The "Hurricane" now fits as a symbol of this STORM!
Moreover it may help give us context for the new Hillary hurricane. https://twitter.com/NewClear314/status/1696849836358975911
It should be noted Hillary was slated to be QUEEN HILLARY after her expected 2016 run.
They also noted this
HRC = Alice
Which I find interesting in relation to all of this because the original Alice in Wonderland was tied to the Queen of England! https://decodingsymbols.wordpress.com/2021/02/08/alice-wonderland-rabbit-comms/
The Q post was in context of Epstein Island/Haiti/SA and other child trafficking hotspots being closed.
Alice and Wonderland is a symbol tied to blackmail using children so the two fit together. Saudi Arabia being "Wonderland" fit
Notice it’s Alice & Wonderland 11/02/2017.
The date is important because that was just before Al Waleed was arrested.
The story is tied to blackmail but the phrase "Alice & Wonderland" means something specific that was relevant that week.
"They don’t want evidence, This is the ALICE & WONDERLAND approach to impeachment: Verdict first, evidence never."
A symbol of what was to come in Saudi Arabia, that seizing was a simple thing because of the location.
Much of that was my own decoding not the readers, but they were the ones that found the initial pattern tied to the hurricane naming and many of the early points. I just "finished the sentence" so to speak lol.
This wasn’t their first contribution by a long shot and they are quickly catching up to me! Won’t be long before there are 2 of me and that’s just to start. It’s only going to exponentially increase from there!
Heck, imagine when we get someone who spends the time writing to make this all evocative. Look forward to it! Things are looking brighter and brighter!

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